
Unit3 How do you get to school Section B (1a-1e)课件(42页ppt)+音频+同步练习题

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:26次 大小:22218344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 新课标 七年级下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school ? Section B 1a-1e 学 习 目 标 Objectives 1. 熟练掌握下列重点词汇: bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station 2. 进一步运用how, how long与how far进行对话练习。? 3. 学会同时使用多种交通工具去某个地方的出行方式。 4. 能运用英语 first, next, then, finally 表达换乘出行方式。 5. 能合理安排行程并合理选出出行方式,做到绿色出行。? New words Let's learn! n. 停车站 vi. 停止 【反】 New words Let's learn! think of 想起,记起 认为,有…看法 考虑,打算 顾及,为…着想 Lei Feng was always thinking of others. What do you think of that book? She is thinking of buying a new car. When I see that picture, I thought of my old mother. train plane car school bus bus subway ship mobike taxi boat walk Revision Do you know? 50 minutes/ 30km 35 minutes/ 80 km 30 minutes/ 50km 15 minutes/ 3km 20 minutes/ 2 km 10 minutes/ 10 km Make up a conversation Revision (交通标志) train station bus stop parking lot bus station subway station airport Traffic signs Lead-in walk traffic lights crosswalk cycleway turn left turn right (交通标志) Traffic signs Lead-in Do you know these places? Presentation bus stop bus station 通常指只有公交站牌的临时停靠站, 面积相对较小。 通常指车辆的始发站或终点站, 可以转车的站点, 面积相对较大。 Presentation subway station train station Do you know these places? Airport harbor Presentation Do you know these places? Presentation Can you tell me what place this is? bike sharing parking You want a convenient, fast, safe and cheap ride around the city, you better go to _____. Free talk If your uncle comes back from Taiwan by ship to visit friends, you should go to _____ to meet him. If your mayor wants to fly to Beijing for the two sessions, you should go to _____ to see him off. the airport the harbor If you want to take a bus to the countryside to visit your grandparents, you should go to _____. the bus station If you want to take a bus to the library near your home, you should go to _____. the bus stop the subway station Game time 课文展现 New lesson Match the words with the picture. 1. ___ bus stop 3. ___ bus station 2. ___ train station 4. ___ subway station b a d c Read and match 1a How do you get to school? 5 minutes 30 minutes and then I take a bus to school. How long does it take from home to school? It takes about 35 minutes. First, I walk to the bus stop, Say and learn Presentation How do you get to school? Well, First, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway to school. How long does it take from home to school? It takes about 40 minutes. 15 minutes 25 minutes Presentation Say and learn How do you get to school? First, I take the bus to the subway station, and then I take the subway to the train station. finally, I take the train to school. How long does it take from your home to school? It takes about 25 minutes. 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes Presentation Say and learn How does she get to school? and then ... ...

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