
七年级下册Unit 3 How do you get to school?Section A课件(45+30张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:88次 大小:6408562Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 七年级下册 Unit 3 How do you get to school? ride, bike, by, drive, car, kilometer, far, school how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句。 乘坐交通工具的表示方法。 It takes sb some time to do sth. Words Phrases Sentences Grammar —How do you get to school? —I take the …/ride …/ walk… —How long does it take? —It takes forty minutes. —How far is it from… to… —It's… kilometers. get home take the train take the bus ride a bike by bike how far bike ride my bike walk bus take the bus Warm up by bike on foot by bus Warm up Warm up How do you get to school? I take…/ I get to school by …. No, she doesn’t. She goes by bike. Does Jane walk to school? Do they take the bus to school? No, they don’t. They walk. It’s only about two kilometers. How far is it from your home to school? Grammar focus I ride my bike. How do you get to school? How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus. It takes about 15 minutes. How long does it take to get to school? Grammar focus Pair work Make a conversation with your deskmate. How do you get to school? I take… I get to school by …. Pair work Make a conversation with your deskmate. How do you get to school? I take the bus./ I get to school by bus. Pair work Make a conversation with your deskmate. How do you get to school? I take the car./ I get to school by car. Pair work Make a conversation with your deskmate. How do you get to school? I ride my bike./ I get to school by bike. Pair work Make a conversation with your deskmate. How do you get to school? I take the subway./ I get to school by subway. 3a Match the questions with the answers. Then practice them. How does Mike get to school? ___ How long does it take to get home? ___ How far is it from here? ___ Do your friends go to school by bus? ___ Does your dad drive to work? ____ a. Yes, they do. b. No, he doesn’t. c. He rides his bike. d. It’s five kilometers. e. About 15 minutes. c e d a b 3b Use the words to make questions. Then ask and answer them with your partner. 1. school / you / get to / do / how ? . 2. to / school / get to / does / how long / take / it ? . 3. school / your / from / it / is / how far / home / to ? . How do you get to school I get to school by bike How long does it take to get to school It takes about 20 minutes How far is it from your home to school It’s about five kilometers 4. you / to / walk / do / school ? . 5. ride / their bikes / do / school / your friends / to ? . Do you walk to school Yes, I do 3b Use the words to make questions. Then ask and answer them with your partner. Do your friends ride their bikes to school No, they don’t. How far is it from your home to school? It’s about five kilometers. Pair work Do you walk to school, Grace? Yes, I do. Pair work Do you take a bus to school, Tom? No, I don’t. But Jack takes the bus to school every day. Pair work How do you get to school, Cindy? I ride my bike to school. Pair w ... ...

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