
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Section A (1a-2c) 课件34张PPT+教案+课后练习+音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:30次 大小:22229861Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七年级英语(下)第5单元第1课时 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 课后练习 单项选择 (? )1. This is _____ elephant. _____ elephant is from Africa. A. an; An ? ? ? ? ?B. an; The C. the; The??????????? D. the; An? (? )2. I like pandas because they are _____ friendly. A. kind???????????????? B. a kind of C. kinds of??????????? D. kind of (? )3. —Why do you think lions are _____? —Because they usually sleep all day. A. lazy ???????? ?????? B. scary C. cute?? ???????????? D. beautiful (? )4. Grace is a _____ girl. She doesn’t like meeting new friends. A. tidy???? ???????? B. shy C. strict ? ? ? ? ? ?D. friendly (? )5. —What _____ does Tina like? —She likes dogs and tigers. A. subjects? ???????? B. colors C. sports ? ? ? ? ? D. animals 二. 完形填空 Do you want to see animals? Well, the Long Lake Zoo is really a good ??6? . There are many kinds of animals at the zoo. Let’s see the koalas ??7? . Koalas are from Australia. They are quiet and smart. People ??8? ?them very much. The pandas from China are cute. Many people like these ??9? ?and white animals. They’re shy. So ??10? ?be noisy when you see them. There’s a tiger ??11? ?her two daughters at the zoo. They are from America. They are quiet and interesting, ?12? ?they are not friendly. The giraffes come from Africa. They have a ??13? ?neck (脖子). They are beautiful. The lions are also from Africa. They are really scary. Many people don’t like ??14? . They always sleep in the day. They are very lazy. You can also ?15? ?many other (其他的) kinds of animals at the zoo. Have a good time here! (? )6. A. name???? B. place C. symbol ? ? ? ? ?D. rule (? )7. A. too ? ? ?B. really C. early???????????????? D. first (? )8. A. like ? ? ?B. want C. help????????????????? D. remember (? )9. A. yellow ? ?B. blue C. black??????????????? D. green (? )10. A. always?? B. never C. usually????????????? D. then (? )11. A. like ? ? ? B. for????? C. with??? ????????????? D. of (? )12. A. and ? ? ? ?B. but C. so ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?D. because (? )13. A. long????? B. new C. dirty ?????????????? D. right (? )14. A. us???????? B. it??????? C. them ? ? ? ? ? ??D. him (? )15. A. buy ? ? ? ?B. keep?? C. save ? ? ? ? ? ? D. see???? 三. 阅读理解 “Timmy, it’s time to leave for school,” says Mom. “I don’t want to go today. I want to go to the zoo,” says Timmy. He throws (扔) his school things everywhere. “Timmy, stop all that noise. You have to go to school.” “Mom, I want to go to the zoo. I want to see the lions. I want to see the elephants. I want to see the tigers.” “I’m sorry, Timmy, but you have to go to school now. Get your school things and get in the car.” Timmy doesn’t listen to his mother. Mom pulls (拉) him to the car. “You’re going to school.” Timmy is noisy on the way to school. “Timmy, stop making all that noise,” says Mom. When they arrive at the school, Mom pulls Timmy to the teacher. Mom walks out to the car and drives to the park (公园). It is quiet and she wants to stay the ... ...

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