
【公开课】Unit3 Could you please clean your room SectionB 2a-2e课件(36张PPT)+导学案+素材包

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:85次 大小:27687468Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?SectionB(2a-2e)阅读导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? SectionB(2a-2e) 学习目标与核心素养 【知识技能目标】掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇depend develop since neighbor ill drop (认读词汇independence fairness)重点短语in surprise, as soon as, come over, in front of, as…as, the minute读懂“做家务活动”话题的议论类文章,练习使用“略读策略”【情感态度目标】学会在生活中照顾自己,培养自己的独立意识 学习重点 学习文章中出现的重点单词,词组和句型。 学习难点 通过skimming and scanning等阅读策略,提高阅读能力。 课前完成并小组核对答案。 1. 根据事实回答问题 1) What do you often do to help your parents at home? _____ 2) Do you think kids should help out with chores at home? _____ 2.自行预习U3 SectionB2b,跟读录音,模仿语音语调,划出生词查字典标注,并理解文章大意。 3.找到以下短语及句子,根据文章意思尝试写出相应的含义 短语 1.a waste of time _____2. do not mind _____ 3. spend time on _____4.in order to _____ 5. it is not enough to _____ 6. the earlier … the better _____ 7. there is no need for sb to do sth_____ 句子 1.Doing chores helps children understand the idea of fairness. _____ 2. Doing chores helps to develop children’s independence. _____ 3. Parents should provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children. _____ 探究一: 篇章理解 Pre-reading: 1.Look and discuss: Title Requirement(题目要求): The Sunday Mail magazine invited parents to write about whether they think young people should do chores at home. The letters are probably about whether kids should_____. A. spend time on schoolwork B. help out with chores at home C. learn to be independent(独立的) 2.Who agrees and who disagrees? Ms. Miller _____Mr. Smith _____ ■细读课文,理解文本 Task 1: Read letter 1 and answer: 任务一:判断正误 (正确T, 错误F) ( )1. Ms. Miller thinks kids should do chores at home. ( )2. Ms. Miller thinks housework is a waste of kids’ time. ( )3. Ms. Miller thinks kids these days have less stress from school. 任务二: It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.[翻译—要符合汉语习惯] _____ 任务三:List the reasons. _____ _____ _____ _____ 任务四:The structure of the first letter. Topic sentence Kids have enough _____ at school. They _____ to do housework Ms. Miller’s Housework is _____. Opinion Reasons Kids should _____ schoolwork. It's parents' job to _____a clean and comfortable environment_____ kids. Parents _____doing them. Conclusion _____ for kids to do housework. Task 2: Read letter2 and finish the tasks. 任务一:Finish the tasks. 1. What does Mr. Smith think of his neighbor's son? [推理判断题] A.He is hard?working. B.He is independent. C.He is selfish. D.He is dependent. 2. It is not enough to just get good grades at school. [翻译—信, 达, 雅] _____ 3. 请在文中找出与此句意思相同的句子。 If kids learn to be independent earlier,it is better for their future. _____ 任务二:List the reasons ... ...

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