
Module 11Body language Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them.示范课课件(共19张PPT)+教学设计+任务单+音视频

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:83次 大小:42340237Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七年级下Module 11 Unit 2教学设计 Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them. 课型:Reading 课时:45 minutes 课前预测: In this Unit, students will continue to learn different ways of greetings in some other countries.2-1-c-n-j-y 教学方法:Interactive approach, task-based teaching methods. 板书设计:Key words and sentences in PPT. 教学目标: 1. Master the key words and expressions in Unit 2.【来源: 2. Learn different ways of greetings in some other countries.21教育名师原创作品 3.Cultivate their ability of creation. 教学重难点: 1.Key words and expressions: Finger, foot, knee, mouth, move, polite, somewhere, in fact,etc.21世纪教育网版权所有 2.Key sentences: Here are some ways to welcome them. Wave to say goodbye. It’s not at all polite to… ... 3. Learn diffe (?http:?/??/?www.21cnjy.com?)rent ways of greetings in some other countries and tried to say them in English. 教学准备: PPT/pictures on the Internet/ video. 教学过程: Step 1. Revision:Ways of greeting(问候). Step 2. Lead-in: When we meet others, we often use our body to greet each other. Now, let’s learn about our body. Step3. Play a word game: Using the Across and Down clues(线索) , write the correct words about body. Step 4. Reading. I. Pre-reading: Watch and answer: What can you learn from the video? (Watch a video about the introduction of body language.) Possible answer: Body language is very useful. Different countries have different body language. Different body language has different meanings. ... II. While-reading: 1.Read the passage quickly and finish the exercise as follows. (1). Underline the key sentence of each paragraph. (2).Match the key words with each paragraph. Paragraph 2 Touch Paragraph 3 Say goodbye Paragraph 4 Look Paragraph 5 Stand (3).What’s the structure of the passage? A. general dividing(总分) B. dividing general(分总) 2.Read the passage carefully and finish the drills. Read Para 2 and choose the best answers. (1). Is body language the same in different countries? A. Yes, it is B. Sorry, I don’t know C. No, it isn’t. (2).Is it all right to stand close to people in the Middle East? A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. It doesn’t mention. Read Para3 and fill in the table: Touching people Chinese girls South Americans British Read Para4 and say True or False. (1). It is always polite to look at each other when you talk. ( ) (2). The British usually look at each other when they talk. ( ) Read Para5 and then answer the following question. In Greece, which behavior(行为) is rude when they want to say goodbye? _____ 3.Watch the video and fill in the mind-map. III. Post-reading: Talk about the body language in your hometown and give a short speech. Suppose(假设) you are from China/Britain/ Greece/the Middle East/South America/North America (任选其一) Hi, everyone. I am _____. I come from _____.In our hometown, _____ _____ _____. That’s all. Thank you! Step 5. Exercise. 1. Find the sentence which has the same meaning with “You can ... ...

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