
七年级下册单元考点测试卷Unit 5 Why do you like pandas(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:45次 大小:1372886Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七年级下册单元考点训练+月考卷+期中卷+期末卷 七年级下册单元考点测试卷 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 一、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. Lions like to eat _____, but koalas like to eat _____. A. meat; leaf B. meat; leaves C. meats; leaf D. meats; leaves 2. I know she is very _____. Look! The smile(微笑) is on her face. A. happy B. sad C. smart D. cute 3. —Why do you feel _____ nervous in the zoo? —Because there are many _____ dangerous animals in it. A. kind of; kind of B. kinds of; kinds of C. kind of; kinds of D. kinds of; kind of 4. —Let’s go to the zoo on Saturday! —_____. A. Excuse me B. Good idea! C. You’re welcome D. It doesn’t matter 5. I didn’t sleep _____ last night. I feel tired now. A. well B. nice C. fine D. good 6. Molly and Bill are my _____. They are _____ to me. A. friends; friendly B. friendly; friendly C. friendly; friends D. friends; friends 7. —Do you know what animal lives only in China. —_____, of course. A. Elephants B. Pandas C. Lions D. Giraffes 8. —Hi, Steve! Our teacher told us _____ an electric(电)bike. It’s dangerous(危险). —I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. A. ride not B. not ride C. not to ride D. don’t ride 9. — _____ animals do you like best? —I like pandas best. A. Which B. What C. How D. Where 10. I don’t like the black bears, because they’re _____. A. beautiful B. clever C. interesting D. ugly 11. Mary likes _____ her friends in the park every day. A. play with B. to play C. to play with D. play 12. I _____ eight hours every day. I often _____ at nine. A. sleep; go to bed B. go to bed; sleep C. sleep; sleep D. go to bed; go to bed 13. A _____can help you when you are in a new city. A. book B. dictionary C. map D. picture 14. We like monkeys; they are very _____. A. scary B. smart C. lazy D. shy 15. People often eat _____ the day and sleep _____ night. A. in; in B. at; in C. at; at D. during; at 二、完形填空(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) A)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 There is a zoo named Zhongshan in our city. There are many animals. Some animals are very _____1____. But some other animals are not. Tigers,?____2_____and some snakes(蛇)are dangerous. That’s_____3____they must be in cages(笼). But I don’t think it’s_____4____ for animals to be in cages. They____5_____ to be free. The animals in cages cannot be happy. Tigers _____6____live in forests(森林)and mountains(高山). They are strong(强壮的)and ____7_____ run very fast(快). They run after and eat small animals_____8____ rabbits and deer(鹿),? but now they are in small cages. They have_____9____to do every day. _____10____they walk around in the cages,?and they want to come out. When they are tired,?they sleep. I am kind of sorry for them. 1.A.dirty B.quiet C.friendly D.healthy 2.A.bids B.lions C. pandas D.rabbits 3.A.why B.how C.where D.what 4.A.interesting B.good C.bad D.useful 5.A.help B.call C.join D.ne ... ...

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