
Unit 1 My day 作文课件 (共15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:1097234Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第一单元作文 五年级英语下册 目录 描写一天 描写周末 范文 描写周末活动 CONTENTS 描写周末活动 01 My weekend 说一说 添加题 添加标题 陈杰正在跟怀特小姐谈论她的周末活动,一起来看看她是怎样度过周末的吧。 Chen Jie : I often have a busy weekend. Miss White: What do you do on Saturdays? Chen Jie : I often read books and clean the room in the afternoon. Miss White: What do you do on Sundays? Chen Jie : I often go shopping in the morning. I often in the afternoon. Miss White: You are so busy. {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Saturday morning do homework Saturday afternoon read books、clean the room Sunday morning go shopping Sunday afternoon take a music class 写一写 写一写: 假如你是陈杰,请写一写自己的周末安排吧! 单击此处添加标题 开头:概括介绍自己的周末一般过得如何。 如: I often /usually have a …. weekend. 单击此处添加标题 中间:具体介绍周末活动。 如:On Sundays/Saturdays, I often… in the morning/afternoon. 单击此处添加标题 结尾: 说明自己的感受。 如: I am …every day. 单击此处添加标题 好词: go shopping take a dancing class clean my room play the piano play ping-pong with… play sports with… wash… clothes wash the dishes do morning exercises get up … 单击此处添加标题 好句: I am helpful and hard-working at home. I often/usually/always….on Sundays/Saturdays. Sometimes I … in the morning/afternoon/evening. I am very busy but happy. This is my day/weekend/week . I enjoy my life. 范文1: My name is Chen Jie. I am 11. I am helpful at home. I am a student in Lan Ying Primary School. I often have a busy weekend. On Saturdays, I do my homework in the morning. In the afternoon, I often read books and clean my room. I often go shopping on Sunday morning and in the afternoon I take a music class. I am very busy but happy. 单击此处添加标题 范文2: My day Hello, my name is Linda. Usually . I get up at 6:30 in the morning. I often eat breakfast at 7:00. Then I go to school at 7:30. In the morning , I have four classes. At 12:00, I eat lunch at school. I have three classes in the afternoon. After school, I play sports with my friends, and then go home at 5:00. I eat dinner with my family. After dinner, I do my homework. Sometimes I go to bed at 9:00 p.m. I am busy but happy every day. What about you? 单击此处添加标题 范文3: I am Linda. I am from China. I am very busy on the weekend. On Saturdays, I often take a dancing class in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon. And I often help my mother do some housework. On Sundays, I always go shopping with my mother. My sister and I sometimes watch TV in the afternoon. After dinner we go for a walk. We often have a good time. This is my weekend. What about you ? Can you tell me? 写一写 写一写: 以“My day”为题,写一篇短文,要求用到下列单词和短语,词数在50词左右。 提示词: usually、 sometimes、 get up、 eat breakfast、 go to school 、eat lunch go home、play sports、 eat dinner、 go to bed 谢谢观看! THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION TEMPLATE ... ...

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