
Module 3 Unit5 Save the endangered animals Period 3 Grammar课件31张PPT+教案+导学案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:77次 大小:31461628Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 牛津深圳版 八年级下册 Unit5 Save the endangered animals Period 3 Grammar Review close to thousands of look after cut down Words game 把车开走,快速读出相应的单词或短语。 five million Lead in Look and say It's not _____ for pandas to climb trees. difficult It's _____ of people to kill pandas for their fur. cruel Lead in Look and say Lead in It's _____ for us to protect pandas. important Look and say It's _____ of us to save endangered animals. kind Read and pay attention to the words in red parts: (1)It's not difficult for pandas to climb trees. (2)It's cruel of people to kill pandas for their fur. (3)It's important for us to protect pandas. (4)It's kindof us to save endangered animals. Presentation 仔细观察(1)(2)(3)(4)句可得出如下句型: Presentation ①It is + adj. + for+ n./ pron. + to do sth. ②It is + adj. + of+ n./ pron. + to do sth. A. Using It is + adjective + for + noun/ pronoun + to + verb It is adjective for noun/ pronoun to + verb It is important for us to protect giant pandas. good people to save endangered animals. The adjective in this sentence pattern describes (the person/ the action). Work out the rule √ Presentation difficult convenient strange important impossible possible necessary easy /hard useful 表示事物性质的形容词 A.Using It is + adjective + for + noun/ pronoun + to + verb Presentation 【汉译英】 (1)It is necessary for Jim to get up earlier. (2)It is important for us to study hard. (3)It is easy for me to look after my younger sister. 对吉姆来说,起床早一点是必要的。 对我们来说,努力学习是重要的。 对我来说,照顾我妹妹是简单的 。 Presentation B.Using It is + adjective + of + noun/ pronoun + to +verb It is adjective of noun/ pronoun to + verb It is cruel of them to kill pandas. kind you to try to save the dog. The adjective in this sentence pattern describes (the person/ the action). Work out the rule √ Presentation 表示人的性格、品质等的形容词: C.Using It is + adjective + of + noun/ pronoun + to + verb bad foolish kind silly clever good nice wrong Presentation (1)It is generous of him to donated lots of money to the poor. (2)It is kind of you to give me a nice present for my birthday. (3)It is foolish of me to say something like that. 他真慷慨,捐赠很多钱给穷人。 你真友好,给了我一个好的生日礼物。 你真愚蠢,说那样的话。 【汉译英】 Presentation 根据句子句意,用正确的介词of/for填空。 1. It is harmful_____ children to play with mobile phones for a long time. 2. It's impossible_____ us to live without water. 3. It's very nice_____ him to take care of the old people. 4. It is right_____ people to protect the home of endangered animals. 5. It is silly_____ you to answer such a stupid question. for for of for of Activity C.Using adjective + enough + to + verb Presentation They are strong enough to protect themselves. adj + enough to do sth 足够去做某事 1) 你足够高去碰到它。 2) 它足够小,可以放进你的口袋。 3) 他足够强壮搬动那个很重的箱子吗? You ... ...

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