
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B 2a-2c 课件((共14张PPT及音频))

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:67次 大小:4817340Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (共14张PPT及音频) Section B 2a-2c Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Animals in great danger 北极熊 丹顶鹤 苏门答腊虎 大熊猫 中华白海豚 Lead in 2a Check (√) the animals that you think are in great danger. _____ lions _____ giraffes _____ elephants _____ koalas _____ pandas _____ tigers √ √ √ Free Talk How much do you know about elephants? big smart friendly Before reading Read the website article and check the best title for it. What Is an Elephant? Come to Thailand Let’s Save the Elephants Skim Elephants Are Good Pets √ Skim Match each para with the main idea. The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols Elephants are smart animals. Elephants are in great danger para 1 para 2 para 3 Thailand Read for details Read para 1 and give answers. Where are the students from? Which one is Thailand’s first flag? Information about para 2 They can play soccer. They can play music. They can draw very well. Elephants are smart animals. Read for details They can remember places with food and water. They never get lost. Read for details Read para 3 and give answers. Elephants are in great danger. Elephants are losing homes. People kill them for ivory. People cut down many trees. ivory 2c Read the article again and complete the mind map. ELEPHANTS first Importance in Thailand ? first flag had _____ ? symbol of _____ first Facts and figures ? people _____ many trees ? people kill them for _____ ? today there are _____ over _____ before) first Abilities ? can play _____ ? can also _____ well ? can _____ places with food and water first How to save them ? don’t cut down so many _____ ? don’t _____ things made of ivory ? _____ is Thai Elephant Day a white elephant good luck cut down ivory 3000 100000 soccer or music draw remember trees buy March 13th Read after the tape. Post reading information about pandas PANDAS first Importance in China ? our national treasure first Features ? colors: are _____ ? are _____ and _____ ? like eating _____ black and white cute lazy first How to protect them ? don’t cut down so many _____ ? don’t kill them for their _____ bamboos trees fur

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