
Module 3 Unit5 Save the endangered animals Period 5 课件37张PPT+教案+导学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:44106962Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版英语八年级下册课时教学设计 Module3 Unit5 Save the endangered animals Period 5 Speaking,Writing and Study skills 课题 Unit 5 Period 5 单元 Module3 学科 English 年级 8 学习目标与核心素养 1.认读和理解单词danger, face, Asian, weigh。2.掌握谈论义务或责任的常用表达方法。进一步树立和保护濒危动物的意识,并能尽一己之力有所行动。3.利用“蛛网图”,仿照范文,写一篇介绍某种濒危动物的小说明文。 重点 就如何保护濒危动物这一话题运用谈论义务或责任的表达方法。 难点 以“蛛网图”的形式整理写作思路,搭建写作框架。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Step 1.Lead in Watch a video and answer the questions:Why are the animals in danger?What should we do for the animals? 看视频,谈论所给问题 引起学生兴趣,并导入新课 讲授新课 Step 1. Presentation1.Talking about obligations:2.The useful expressions of talking about obligations:3.The useful expressions of asking people for obligations:Step 2. Let’s doRead the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words in blue.Work in pairs. Talk about the ways of protecting animals.Look and say Step 3. Group workHow can we help save endangered animals?In groups, choose one endangered animal from A on page 70 to talk about. Use the questions below to help you.Step4. Writing1.Below are some endangered animals. Write about one of them or choose one of your own. Then make a spidergram. Use the example below to help you.2.Write a fact file about the endangered animal you have chosen. Follow the example.Step5. Study skillsIn groups, look at the dictionary page below and answer the questions on page 79.Use your dictionary to answer the following pare your answers with your classmates’. Step6.SummaryStep7.Exercise一、选择题1.We should do our best to save the animals in danger. A.dangerous animals B.endangered animals C.wild animals2.I don’t want to go shopping on my own. Shall we go together? A.in my opinion B.by myself C.in a way 3.It is not my obligation to take care of your pet. A.duty B.work C.Business二、完成句子。1.该是我们拯救那些处于危险中的动物的时候了。 It is time for us to save the animals .2.许多国家已经建立了自然保护区来保护濒危动物。 Many countries have set up nature reserves to protect .3.她生了一个健康的婴儿。 She a healthy baby.4.他们这样做是很残忍的。 It is of them so.5.它们有3000只在野生环境中。There are 3,000 of them . Step8.Homework1. Copy the key expressions. 2. Read the conversation on Page 74. 小结谈论义务的句型 完成课本及拓展的习题选择一种濒危动物,谈论怎样帮助它们完成课本上的写作练习学习通过字典掌握同一单词的不同含义并正确运用 回顾本节课重点完成习题完成课后作业 学习新语法 巩固语法提高口语水平提高写作水平 将所学内容应用到实际梳理本节课内容,加深理解日积月累掌握做题技巧巩固本节课内容 课堂小结 本课通过口语练习帮助学生掌握谈论义务或责任的常用表达方法,并通过小组活动讨论表达如何保护濒危动物这一话题运用谈论义务或责任。教学生以“蛛网图”的形式整理写作思路,搭建写作框架,并仿照范文,写一篇介绍某种濒危动物的小说明文。让学生加深对濒 ... ...

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