
七年级下英语Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B阅读课课件24张

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初中英语七年级 Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 2a-2c She has brown hair. She is thin and tall. She is young. He has short straight hair. He is thin and short. He is young. He wears glasses. age build height hair/eyes/nose ... How do you describe a person? 2a. Complete the chart with words of the opposite meaning. young thin tall long curly old heavy/fat short short straight Describe these people . The man has straight hair and big eyes. He is of medium height. He is young. Different people have different looks. Everyone is special ! It can help the police find the criminal. Pre-reading Find out the main character's name and job. {5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}Name Job police artist Joe Brown police artist artist police draw pictures find criminals draw pictures of criminals to help the police find them What do you think of Joe Brown's job? busy interesting difficult dangerous exciting … What is the passage about? A. Joe Brown has an interesting job but this job is sometimes difficult. B. Joe Brown doesn’t like his job. C. Finding a job is difficult. Fast reading The title usually tells us the main idea. 1min. Careful- reading Para.1 How does the police artist help the police find the criminal? Reading skill:skip the unknown words 2mins. First, Third, he the criminal. the police put it in and on to find him see crimes and then talk to Joe. They tell him what the looks like. Second, people criminal draws a picture of newspapers television Para.1 someone who does the really bad things steal hurt kill They break the law. obey the law How does the police artist help the police find the criminal? First, Third, he the criminal. the police put it in and on to find him. see crimes and then talk to Joe. They tell him what the looks like. Second, people criminal draws a picture of newspapers television Para.1 v Why does the police put it in newspapers and on television? More people will see the pitures and help the police find the criminal. How does the police artist help the police find the criminal? Careful reading 1. Is Joe’s job easy? 2. How do the two women descirbe the criminal? No! It's difficult. One woman says: Another woman says: same? Para.2 The criminal is of medium height and young. He has long straight brown hair and big eyes. The criminal is tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair. He’s about thirty years old. v why nervous scary don't see clearly don't know he is the criminal 2mins. dress up Which picture shows the real criminal? Para.2 He it him this they He Read the article and circle what the words refer to. Post-reading 2mins. What do you think of Joe Brown's job? busy interesting difficult dangerous exciting … Post-reading Complete the mind map according to the passage. see crimes the criminal newspapers television differently remember well RETELL draws a picture 1min. Joe Brown a police artist interesting difficult Joe's job difficult interesting language points describe people summary Jenny's money was stolen( ... ...

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