
05 新高考英语读后续写:高级句式“套用模型”(38张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:58次 大小:2551790Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高级句式“套用模型” 新高考英语读后续写 Part 1 量化九大高分因素 Part 2 十大高分句型 Part 3 情绪两大句式讲解 part1 量化十大高分因素 感叹句 状语从句 独立主格 分词作状语 倒装句 what和it句型 强调句 形容词短语作状语 无灵主语 Part 2 十大高分句型 句型 1:Doing..., 主 + 谓... doing作状语,逻辑主语与句子的主语一致,构成主动关系;有时可以在doing前加before, after, while等; 但如果是被动关系,使用过去分词done作状语。例如: 1) _____(see) tears in Mike's eyes, Annie decided to promise to the boy that she would let Mark cut her hair, too. 看到迈克眼里含着泪水,安妮决定向男孩保证,她也会让迈克剪掉她的头发。 Seeing 2) _____(hesitate) a little, Mark promised to Annie that he would work hard at his English. 迈克犹豫了一下,向安妮保证他会努力学习英语。 3) _____(find) a clinic nearby, they went inside and told the receptionist what had happened. 他们在附近找到一家诊所,进去告诉接待员发生了什么事。 4) _____(ignore) her words, the man walked away quickly. 那人无视她的话,很快走开了。 Hesitating Finding Ignoring 句型2:主+谓..., doing/done... doing作伴随状语,与句子的谓语动词同时发生,逻辑主语与句子的主语一致,构成主动关系;该句型可以以并列谓语的形式出现,转换为:主+谓...and 谓...; 如果是被动关系,应该使用过去分词done作伴随状语。例如: 1) The girl began kicking and swinging, _____(try) to get free of the man's hold. 女孩开始又踢又晃,试图摆脱这个男人的控制。 2) Her father was lying on his back, _____ (trap) under the truck. 她父亲仰面躺着,被困在卡车下面。 trying trapped 3) Bitter memories of the man's harsh words came _____ (flood) back to her. 她又痛苦地想起了那个男人刺耳的话。 4) Her dad was still conscious, _____ (yell), “One more try!” 她爸爸仍然清醒,大声喊道: “再试一次!” 5) “It's OK,” Mama said, _____ (comfort) me with a hug. “没关系,” 妈妈说,用拥抱安慰我。 flooding yelling comforting 句型3: 主1+谓..., 主2 + doing/done ... 有时独立主格成分放在句首:主2 + doing/done, 主1+谓... 逻辑主语2与doing构成主动关系,构成独立主格,有时前面有介词with,在句中作状语。该句型有时可以转化为并列句:主1+谓...and 主2+谓...。例如: 1) He stood there, tears of gratitude _____(well) up in his eyes. --He stood there and tears of gratitude _____(well) up in his eyes. 他站在那里,眼里涌出感激的泪水。 2) The girl _____(stare) at him, he didn't know what to say. 姑娘两眼望着他,他不知道说什么好。 welling were welling staring 3) She opened the letter, her hands trembling with excitement. --She opened the letter _____ her hands _____ (tremble) with excitement. (改为并列句) 她打开信,激动得双手发抖。 4) “Don't stand in my way,” Tim yelled out _____his voice was quivering with rage. --“Don't stand in my way,” Tim yelled out, his voice _____ with rage. “别挡我的道,” 蒂姆喊道,他的声音因愤怒而颤抖。 and were trembling and quivering 句型4:主+谓1..., (谓2..., ) and 谓3... 描述一系列的动作,构成并列谓语。两个动作的结构: 主+谓1...and(then) 谓2...。例如: 1) The adults put on performances, chatted, and then _____(say) goodbye. 大人们表演,聊天,然后道别。 2) She stopped the truck safel ... ...

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