
【公开课】Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents Section B2a-2e 课件(共39张PPT)+导学案 +音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:49次 大小:41932885Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents? Section B(2a-2e)阅读导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents?Section B(2a-2e) 学习目标与核心素养 1. 掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇:pressure compete opinion skill typical football quick continue compare crazy push development cause usual perhaps2. 掌握重点短语:so that, not…until, cut out, compare A with B, be good for3. 掌握以下句型:① I think Wei Ming should… ② Although you may be…, you should talk to them.③ Life shouldn’t just be about …④ Why don’t they just let their kids be kids? ⑤ Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children. 4. 掌握通过上下文来理解生词的意思的阅读技巧,提高自己的综合阅读能力。5. 学会表达不同的见解和意见;学会在紧张的学习压力下放松自己。 学习重点 掌握文中出现的重点单词,词组和句型。 学习难点 运用阅读技巧快速提取文章信息 课前完成并小组核对答案。 阅读3a,找出下列短语和句子,尝试翻译。 短语 in one’s opinion_____ after-school activities _____ not…until…_____ 4.have a quick dinner _____ 5. compare… with … _____ 6. 橄榄球训练_____ 7. 删除;删去_____ 8. 学习应试技巧_____ 9. 竞争而获胜_____ 10. 一个典型的美国家庭_____ 11. 孩子的发展_____ 12. 造成许多压力_____ 句子 1.However, the tired children don’t get home until after 7:00 p.m. _____ Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children. _____ 3. Parents should provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children._____ 探究一: 篇章理解 Pre-reading: 1.Look and discuss: Do American children have after-school classes? 2.Finish 2b. 3.Read quickly and match the main ideas in each paragraph. ■细读课文,理解文本 Task 1: Read para 1 and answer: Why are Chinese children busier on weekends than weekdays? 2.What are kids doing in the after-school classes? 3.What’s the purpose (目的) of the students learning exam skills? Task 2: Read para 2 and finish the tasks. Decide True or False. ( ) 1. The Taylors are not a common American family. ( ) 2. Cathy Taylor’s three children are very relaxed every day. ( ) 3. Cathy takes her two boys to basketball practice. ( ) 4. The tired children get home before 7:00 p.m. ( ) 5. Cathy believes these activities are important for her children’s life . Fill in the blanks. Task 3: Read para3 and finish the tasks. Linda’s opinion:She knows all about such_____. Competition starts very young and_____until the kids get older. Mothers _____their small kids _____ all kinds of classes. And they are always _____ them _____ other children. It’s _____. I don’t think that’s _____.Why don’t they _____?People shouldn’t _____. Task 4: Read para 4 and finish the tasks. Dr. Alice Green’s opinion:Doctors say too much pressure isn’t good for _____.She says all these activities can _____.Kids should have time to _____.Although it’s normal to _____, it’s even more important to_____. After-reading Finish 3b Finish 3c 探究二: 知识点解 ... ...

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