
2021年中考一轮复习九年级 Unit 8--Unit 10 学案+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:10次 大小:354408Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中考一轮复习精练:九年级 Unit 8--Unit 10 学习目标 重点词汇及其词性变化、短语、搭配 掌握定语从句的用法;情态动词表推测的用法 重点与难点 定语从句、情态动词 一、本堂内容 【知识点一】动词 1. attend (v.) _____ 【短语】attend the concert _____ 2. land (v.) _____/ (n.) _____ (反义短语)_____ 3. lead (v.) _____ →领导,领袖(n.) _____ 【短语】lead to _____ 【例句翻译】Every road leads to Roma. 4. express (v.) _____ →(n.) _____ 【词形辨析】experience (n./v.) _____ 5. receive (v.) _____ 【词义辨析】accept (v.) _____ 【填空】The Great Wall _____ millions of foreign visitors every year. 6. prevent (v.) _____ →(n.) _____ 【短语】prevent sb. _____ sth. = _____ 7. prefer (v.) _____ →(过去式/过去分词) _____ 【短语】prefer A _____ B prefer _____ rather than _____ 8. provide (v.)_____ 【短语】provide sb. _____ sth. = provide sth. _____ sb. (同义短语)offer/ give sb sth = offer/ give sth _____ sb 9. stick (v.)_____ →(过去式/过去分词)_____ 【短语1】坚持;固守_____ stick to one’s words _____ 【短语2】把……插入……_____ 【翻译】坚持你的梦想_____ 不要把筷子插入米饭_____ 10. sense (v.)_____/ (n.) _____ 【短语】the sense of directions _____ 11. perform (v.)_____ →(n.)_____ →(n.)表演者_____ 12. praise (v.)_____ →(反义词)_____ 【词形辨析】raise _____ raise money _____ rise_____ The sun rises in the east. 【短语】praise sb. _____ sth.:因某事表扬某人 13. reflect (v.) _____ 【例句翻译】The mountains are reflected silently in the water._____ 14. spare (v.)_____/ ( adj.)_____ 【用法】spare time to do sth._____ 【短语】in one’s spare time _____ 15. marry (v.)_____ 【短语】与某人结婚:get married _____ sb. 16. suppose (v.) _____ 【短语】应该做某事_____ 【词性辨析】support (n./ v.) _____ 17. bow (v./ n.) _____ kiss (v./ n.) _____ 18. greet (v.) _____ →(n.)greetings _____ 19. shake (v.) _____ →(过去式)_____ →(过去分词)_____ 【短语】shake hands _____ 20. relax (v.)_____ → (adj.) 令人放松的:_____ → (adj.) 感动放松的:_____ →(n.)轻松_____ 【填空】You can _____ yourself by listening to some _____ music. 21. value (v.) _____/ (n.) _____ →(v.)珍贵的_____ 【填空】Time and tide wait for no man. Time is _____ and everyone should _____ it. 22. knock (v./ n.) _____ 【短语】敲门:_____ 23. exchange (v./n.) _____ 【短语】交换生:_____ 【短语】用A交换B:exchange A _____ B 24. behave (v.) _____ → (n.) _____ 【例题】The boy _____very well and her father praised him. 25. suggest (v. ) _____ →(n.) _____ 【用法】suggest _____ sth. 同义词:(v.) _____ (n.) _____ 【例题1】Yesterday Lucy gave me such helpful_____ that it helped me work out the problem. A. advice B. suggestions C. expressions D. book 【例题2】Could you please give me some _____ on how to be good _____ at table? A. suggestion; custom B. suggestions; manners C. advice; custom D. advices; customs 26. drop (v.) _____ →(过去式/过去分词)_____ 【短语】drop by _____ drop into _____ 【填空】The temperature _____(下降) a lot last night. 27. suit (n.) _____/ (v.) _____ →(adj.) _____ circl ... ...

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