
Unit 6 I'm watching TV. Section B同步练习(2课时 含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:2506243Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section B1 根据句意及首字母填入一个适当的单词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。 They are from the USA. They are _____ . Don’t be so proud . A _____ other boy here can play this game . They make zongzi and watch the boat races on TV on the _____ Boat Festival . She always thinks of her mother’s Dongpo Pork when she is in her h_____family in New York . My father is watching the boat r_____ on TV. Let’s s_____ for the coming test ! There is a big s_____ near my home . I often buy school things there. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 There are a lot of hotels with _____ (pool) . We can swim there. Most kids like to go _____ (shop) with families in the mall on Sundays , but Jennifer thinks differently . My brother _____ (study) in Xuejun High School , and I am in Wenlan Middle school . I like shopping . There are many _____ (supermarket ) in my neighborhood . The _____ (man) are playing cards under the tree in the park . 单项选择。 ( ) 1. Bob is singing _____song . It’s _____American song . a; a B. a; an C. an ; a ( ) 2. -Hello, Mary ! This is John . You must know why I _____ you. -Oh, hello, John ! I’m waiting for your call . calling B. am calling C. calls ( ) 3. -Could you help me do the dishes -Sorry , my sister _____ for me outside now . waits B. will wait C. is waiting ( ) 4. Lily and her sister look the same . I can’t tell one from _____ . other B. the other C. others ( ) 5. My mother is working in Australia . I _____ her a lot . miss B. forget C. learn ( ) 6. There is a _____ pool near here . I often go there _____ . swim ; swim B. swimming ; swim C. swimming ; to swim ( ) 7. -Kangkang , tell us something about _____ in your hometown -Usually on this day , people eat zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan . the Spring Festival the Lantern Festival the Dragon Boat Festival ( ) 8. Many people like watching Chinese Poetry Conference (《中国诗词大会》)_____TV. in B. of C. on ( ) 9. The girl wishes _____ ice-cream , but her mother doesn’t want her _____ it . to eat ; to eat B. to eat ; eating C. eating ; to eat ( ) 10. Dave likes _____ basketball with his friends _____ . playing ; a lot B. play ; a lot of C. play ; lots of 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话(选项中有一项是多余的) A: Hello , Jack . 1. _____ . B: No, Linda . I’m kind of busy these days . A: Really 2. _____ . B: I’m learning to make zongzi from my mom . A: Oh, I see . Today is the Dragon Boat Festival in China . B: That’s right . 3. _____ A: That sounds great ! I like eating zongzi . B: OK. 4. _____ A: Oh, I’m afraid she can’t come . 5. _____ She will have a test tomorrow. B: Oh, that’s a pity (遗憾). Well , see you this evening . A: See you. Let’s go home . What are you doing now Do you want to have dinner with me And you can come with your sister Tina . She’s studying in the library . Are you free now 参考答案 1. Americans 2. Any 3. Dragon 4. host 5. races 6. study 7. supermarket . 1. pools 2. shopping 3. studies 4. su ... ...

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