

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:35次 大小:1262769Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 小升初英语历年模拟词汇填空题 时间:50 分数:140分 一、选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。(每小题2分,共140分) A hobby B. quite C. forget D. in the sun E. proud of ( ) 1. I like collecting toys. That’s my_____. ( ) 2. Don’t read books_____. It’s bad for your eyes. ( ) 3. Yang Li Wei is a great man.We’re all_____him. ( ) 4. Don’t_____to bring your book here tomorrow.--OK.I’ll remember that. ( )5. You can’t shout in the classroom.You should be_____. B A.take B. sent C. afraid D. have a rest E. on the phone ( ) 6. —Jane, did you write a letter to Li Ping? —Yes, I _____ it to him last night. ( ) 7. —How will you go to the zoo? —We’ll _____ a bus. ( ) 8. Boys and girls. It’s twelve o’clock. Let’s _____. ( ) 9. —Can you jump far? —I’m_____ I can’t. ( ) 10. —Where’s Linda? —Look. She’s_____ with her friend. C ( ) 11. I like history. It’s my favourite_____. ( ) 12. The Great Wall is famous_____the world. ( )13. ―Did you have a picnic last week? ―Yes, we did.We really_____. ( ) 14. China is a big county. I’m very_____ of it. ( ) 15. ―Remember to bring your homework tomorrow. ―Okay. I won’t_____that. D A.again B. clean C. lovely D.in the past E. send an email ( ) 16. The floor is dirty. Let's _____ it together. ( ) 17. My grandparents had no enough food_____. ( ) 18. ― Did Jack _____to you yesterday ? —Yes, he did. ( ) 19. We visited the zoo last weekend.We had a_____ time there. ( ) 20. ―I can’t hear you. Can you say it _____? ― Okay. E A.meals B. send C. funny D.next to E.have a good time ( ) 21. —Did you _____ last weekend? —Yes, we did.We really had fun. ( )22. He told us a_____ story. We all laughed. ( ) 23.We should wash our hands before _____. ( ) 24. She can't _____ an email.Can you help her? ( ) 25. I walk to school everyday because it's _____ my house. F ate B. nothing C. broken D. at home E. have a rest ( ) 26. My shoes are _____. I want to buy a new pair. ( ) 27. My father doesn’t go to work today. He’ s_____. ( ) 28. ―What did you have this morning ? —I _____ two hamburgers. ( ) 29. You're so tired. You need to _____ now. ( ) 30. It’s too dark. We can see_____ in the room. G tell B. beside C. meal D. in the sun E. each other tell B. beside C. meal D. in the sun E. each other tell B. beside C. meal D. in the sun E. each other tell B. beside C. meal D. in the sun E. each other ( ) 31. The station is not far. It's _____ our school. ( ) 32. We often have three_____ a day. ( ) 33. ―Don't read _____ . It’s bad for your eyes. ― All right. ( ) 34. Let's write emails to _____ . We always be friends. ( ) 35. ― Did your mum_____ a story last night ? ― Yes, she did. H ( ) 36. There are three people in my_____. ( ) 37. I hope I can go to the moon_____. ( ) 38. —Can you catch the ball well? —Yes,I can. I can _____the ball well too. ( ) 39. I want you_____now, because I worked all day on the farm. ( ) 40. —What time does your school start? —At eight o’clock. So I_____ go to sch ... ...

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