ID: 8988966

典范英语 GE Lesson22 Shopping 课件+教案+素材(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-10-26 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:34次 大小:15749640B 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Basic Information Topic Lesson 22 Shopping Text Type story Class Period 1 Grade 1 Teacher Leila Teaching Analysis Aims Language focus:Key Words: wanted, sugar, supermarket, crisps, shop, comic, market, forgotKey Structure:…went to ….…got….Teaching Objectives: 1. To make Ss understand the story 2. To make Ss love reading.3. To know the different types of the shops.4. To say the sentences “He went to … He got ….”. Difficulties To pronounce and identify the structure of “He forgot …” Activities Read the story.Act it out. Teaching Procedures Teacher Activities Student Activities Purpose Pre-task Review Lesson 21Daily Show Ss recite L21 together. Ss introduce their family. To warm up. While-task Show pictures of different shops.T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture. What’s this? (It is a shop.) What do you want to buy in a shop?Now where are we?(We are in a book shop.)What can we get in a book shop? (Comics.)Introduce market, supermarket and shopping mall.Now I need you to use the structure ‘I went to …I got …’to make a sentence.Describe the pictures.T : Who went shopping? Why?Chip wanted some sugar.Chip had flour and eggs What did he want to make?P1: He went to the supermarket. What did he get?Did he get sugar?No, he got some crisps.Show me your sharp eyes. Can you find the sugar in this supermarket?P2-P4:He went to the shop.He got a comic.He went to the market.He got a ball.5. What’s wrong at last?Chip forgot the sugar.(present the words and the sentences with actions) Ask and answer. Ss answer the questionsLook at the pictures and answer questions.Ss make sentences.Ss talk about pictures, especially every detail. To lead in.Try to present the new words and make Ss be familiar with them.To learn the structure.Encourage Ss to watch the pictures and talk about them.To read it fluently.To practice. Post-task Read the story by themselves.Act the story.Talk: What did you get when you went to the shop last time? Praise and encourage Ss to tell by themselves.Ss act it out.Ss talk. To practice the story.Make Ss tell the story themselves.To check whether Ss’ve understood the story. Homework 1. Read the story after the tape for five times.2. Try to act the story. Blackboard Design Lesson 22 Shopping He the supermarket. He some crisps.He went to the shop. He got a comic. He the market He a ball. He forgot the sugar. Teaching Reflection HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网( " 21世纪教育网(课件网) It’s white. It’s sweet(甜的). sugar Chip wanted some sugar. What did Kipper want to make? He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps. sugar He went to the shop. He got a comic. sugar He went to the market. He got a ball. sugar He forgot the sugar. Read Dramatically Talk: What did you get when you went to the shop last time? Let's review M2手:了手 Store 9.00-21.00 900-17.00 昵图 uuoun-nipieco shop hat do you want to buy? R BOOK ... ...

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