
典范英语 GE Lesson30 Kipper's Diary 课件+教案+素材(共11张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:48次 大小:16652592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Basic Information Topic Lesson 30 Kipper’s Diary Text Type story Class Period 1 Grade 1 Teacher Cathy Teaching Analysis Aims Language focus:Key Words: diary, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, wet, windy, sunny, hot, pool, funKey Structure:It was a ... Day. I went to ...Teaching Objectives: 1. To make Ss understand the story.2. To make Ss love reading.3. To say the seven days of a week. To say the sentences “It was a ... day.” “I went to ...” Difficulties To pronounce and identify the structure of “It was a ... day.” “I went to ...” Activities Read the story.Act it out. Teaching Procedures Teacher Activities Student Activities Purpose Pre-task Recite the story-L29. Ss recite L29 together. To warm up. While-task Describe pictures:Show pictures of the text on PPT. Teacher tells the story.This is Kipper’s diary. (show card of diary) It was Monday. What’s the weather like? (show cards of rainy and wet)Look at the trees (do actions). What’s the weather like on Tuesday? So Kipper went to the shops. What shop is it? (show card of windy)Wednesday was a good day.Where did Kipper go? (show cards of sunny and pool)How about Thursday? Where did he go? He went to the park.Kipper likes Friday. Because it was a fun day.2. Say a chantShow pictures on PPT of the four kind of weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy and snowy. Show pictures of PPT of the four places: pool, school, park and shop.Get students to guess the words and make a chant.3.Listen and repeatPlay the CD without interruptions.Play again and ask the students to read after the recording sentence by sentence (three times). First time: the whole class. Second time: boys and girls. Third time: group by groupDemonstrate to the students how to pronounce the difficult words, phrases or structures (such as: diary, wet). Teacher asks questions.Ss answer them.(While reading the sentences, talking about pictures, especially every detail.)Imitate and do the actions.Read and practice.Ss look at pictures of weather and places, then put them into a chant.Chant :Sunny, sunny. It was sunny. I went to the pool on a sunny day.Rainy, rainy. It was rainy. I went to school on a rainy day.Cloudy, cloudy. It was cloudy. I went to the park on a cloudy day.Snowy, snowy. It was snowy. I went to the shop on a snowy day Talk about weather and things kipper did.Encourage Ss to watch the pictures and ask talk about them.To understand the story.To practice the story.To practice weather words and sentence structures. Post-task 1.Match the pictures: Cut each picture into two parts, get students to match them together correctly. Then say the sentences together.2.Make a dialogue: Divide the class into four groups, get them to make a new dialogue according to the first four pictures. Praise and encourage Ss to tell by themselves. Make Ss tell the story themselves.To check whether Ss’ve understood the story. Homework 1. Read the story after the tape for five times.2. Try to act the story. Bla ... ...

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