
Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B 3a-Self Check课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:83次 大小:2655391Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit5 Why do you like pandas? Period 6 Section B 3a-Self Check 人教版版 七年级下 To review the description of animals using adjectives of quality. To be able to talk about your favorite animals in English. To be able to write about your favorite animals. 学 习 目 标 Objectives 学 习 目 标 Objectives Stage 1: Words A description of an animal name nationality hobby age what to eat where to live appearance others personality Stage 2: Sectences Animals Description words tiger really, kind of scary panda kind of cute very beautiful giraffe 1 Add more words in the chart. Then write at least five sentences using the words. dog Self check kind of scary elephant lion really friendly really smart 2 Match the questions and answers to make a conversation. Then write your own conversations. Questions Answers What animals do you like? They’re from Africa. Why do you like lions? I like lions. Where are they from? Because they’re big and beautiful. 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ I like giraffes because they’re beautiful. I don’t like lions because they’re really scary. I like pandas because they’re kind of cute. I like dogs because they’re very friendly. I like elephants because they’re really smart. Check the answers. Discuss 1. What animals can swim? 2. What animals eat grass? 3. What animals eat meat? 4. What animals eat leaves? leaf -- leaves What food do they like eating? They like eating… What food do they like? Pandas like bamboos. Koalas like leaves(树叶). Tigers like meat. Elephants like grass. Lions like meat. Giraffes like leaves. Penguins like seafood. Dolphins like fish. Stage 3 : Passage 3a. Becky is Jill’s favorite animal. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. like beautiful Africa years lives because _____is Becky. Isn’t she _____? She is from _____. She is twelve _____old. I _____ Becky _____ she is smart and friendly. She _____ in Blackwood Zoo. beautiful This Africa years like because lives Stage 4 : I can try. 3b. Write a description of a panda using the words in the box, or write about Your favorite animal using your own ideas. Beibei five years old China cute shy Beijing Zoo My favourite animal is a panda in the Beijing Zoo. I call her Beibei. She is black and white. She is very big but she looks kind of cute .… Stage 5: I can write. 【写作任务】? 请根据方框内的提示词语写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的动物大熊猫。 Beibei, five years old,?China, cute, shy, Beijing Zoo 【思路点拨】 1.?定基调 体裁:说明文 时态:一般现在时 人称:第三人称 1. 这是一篇介绍动物的短文,主要应用系表结构的句子来表达,用一般现在时态。 2. 介绍Beibei的名字及年龄。然后介绍它来自哪里。 3. 用系表结构的句子描写Beibei的特征。同时写明喜欢它的原因。可以用句子结构:I like … because she’s … 写明它现在居住在哪里. 最后通读一遍短文,看有没有写错的句子。 2.?列提纲、写句子 列提纲 写句子 介绍大熊猫 产地 及居 住地 (1)?贝贝是一只大熊猫,它来自中国四川。 Beibei is a panda. It _____ _____?Si ... ...

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