
Module 2 Work and play Unit 6 PE lessons课内单词、短语以及练习题(无答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:74次 大小:394752Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 PE lessons 重点单词词组 1. race v. 和…竞赛;使急走 _____ 长跑 _____ 短跑 2. Jump v. 跳 _____ 跳高 _____ 跳远 3. win v. 赢;获胜 ___`_____ 获胜者 e.g. I’m the _____. 我是获胜者。 4. swim v. 游泳 _____(三单形式) _____ 泳衣 _____ 泳帽 _____ 泳镜 _____ 泳池 5. warm-up v. 热身 _____ 做热身运动 6. fit adj. 健壮的 _____ 保持健康 7. every week 8. _____ 跑长跑 _____ 跑短跑 9. _____ 擅长于 10. _____ 玩的开心 11. _____ 太大或者太小 12. _____ 进入 13. _____ 清洗自己 重点句子 1. We run long races and short races. The races are exciting. We all want to win. 我们跑长跑和短跑。跑步是非常刺激的。我们都想赢。 2. We do the long jump and the high jump. 我们跳高和跳远。 3. Jill is good at the high jump. Joe is good at the long jump. Jill 擅长于跳高,Joe擅长于跳远。 4. We have a lot of fun. 我们玩的很开心。 5. The swimsuit should not be too big or too small. 泳衣不应该太大或者太小。 6. Wash _____ before you go into the swimming pool. 在你进入泳池之前清洗你自己。 7. Do warm-up exercises before you go into the water. 在入水前做热身运动。 8. Swimming is fun. It helps you stay healthy and fit. 游泳是有趣的,它帮助你保持健康和强壮。 课后习题 一、看图片写单词。 A. B. C. _____ _____ _____ D. E. _____ _____ 二、选择题。 ( )1.We have three Maths _____ at school every week.21教育网 A. lessons B. lesson C. a lesson ( )2.Amy is good _____ swimming. A.in B. on C.at ( )3.Sometimes she _____ ball games. A. play B. playing C. plays ( )4.My friends and I like _____ sport. A. play B. playing C. plays ( )5.I like playing_____. A. football B. a football C. the football ( )6._____it after swimming too. A. Does B. Did C. Do ( )7.You need a swimsuit _____a swimming lesson.21世纪教育网版权所有 A.in B. on C. for ( )8.You should _____yourself first. A. washes B. washing C. wash ( )9._____is fun. A. swimming B. swim C. swims ( )10.The swimsuit should not _____too big or too small. A.be B.is C. are 三、翻译下列句子。 1.我们在学校每周有两节体育课。 _____ 2.我们跑长跑和短跑。 _____ 3.Jill擅长跳高。 _____ 4.我喜欢踢足球。 _____ 5.我们在一起玩得非常愉快! _____ 四、连词成句。 1.water the not into get eyes your does _____ 2.should you warm-up do exercises _____ 3.fun is swimming _____ 4.swimming your lessons enjoy _____ 5.should what lessons in do you swimming _____ 五、根据问句选答语。 A. We should wash ourselves.B.OK.C. I’m going to Beijing.D.I like playing football.E. We need a swimming pool. ( )1.What’s your favourite activity in PE lessons?21世纪教育网版权所有 ( )2.What should we do first? ( )3.Let’s go into the water. ( )4.What do we need for swimming? ( )5.Where are you going? 六、小作文。 以“My favourite sport” 为题,写一篇小短文介绍一下你最喜欢的一种体育运动。21cnjy.com _____ ... ...

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