
Unit 6 Electricity Period 1 Reading I 课件(40张PPT)+教案+练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:59次 大小:40150665Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module 3 Unit 6 Electricity Reading 1 导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Module 3 Unit 6 Electricity Reading1 学习目标与核心素养 知识目标:1.认读和理解单词anyone,battery,connect,electricity,foolish,moment,reply,wire以及短语a packet of,(be) connected to,in a way, power station等。认识单词cable。2.初步接触情态动词can/cannot,may/may not和must/must not的现象和用法。能力目标:1.理解主阅读篇章的文本特征,能运用对话进行交流、沟通。2.通过找读关键信息,了解主阅读篇章的主要内容。核心素养:了解关于电的基本知识,培养节约用电的意识。 学习重点 理解主阅读篇章的故事内容,学习核心单词和短语。 学习难点 根据上下文语境学习核心单词和短语。 1、翻译词语。 electricity _____ conversation _____ identify _____ rule_____ anyone _____ foolish_____ wire _____ connect _____ cable_____ moment_____ battery_____ 2、阅读73页课文,了解文章大意。 探究点一: (1) 看72页A部分题目中的图片,了解本课的主要学习目标。 (2)看73页课文标题及文中图片,完成活动B题目: 探究点二: ①默读73页课文,回答以下问题: 1. What were the family talking about? 2. What was Daisy going to do? 3. Could Daisy buy electricity at last? 4. What did Daisy buy as a packet of electricity? ②完成74页C1、C2。 ③听录音,朗读课文。 探究点三: Language points 1.anyone = anybody 任何人 anything 任何东西(常用于疑问句或否定句中) someone = somebody 某人;有人 something 某物;某事(一般用于肯定句中) 1) Did you do _____ during the last summer vacation? A. anything special B. something special C. special something (2020黑龙江绥化) 2) ——— I want to buy _____ for my grandpa to make him happy. ——— That's a good idea. A. anything special B. special something C. special anything D. something special (2020甘肃天水) 2. know about 了解,后面接名词或者动名词  know of 听说过,知道(有…) 用know about, know of 填空: 1) It happened that I _____ him. 2) I _____ a shop where you can get things like that. 3. in a way 某种程度上 in the way 挡路 in this way 以这种方式 on the way 在途中 by the way 顺便说一下 1) ——— Would you please not be _____? I need to pass it by. ——— Sorry, just go ahead. A. in a way B. in the way C. by the way 2)在某种程度上,电脑给我的工作带来了很大的帮助。 _____ _____ _____, computers help me a lot in my work. be connected to 连接到 be connected with 把 ... 与 ... 连接起来 1)这个鼠标无法工作是因为没有连接到电脑。 The mouse can not work because it's not _____ _____ the computer. 2)I hear a high-speed railway will be built to _____ Taizhou_____Shanghai in the following years. A. connect; to B. connected; with C. connects; to D. connecting; with 一、单选 1. ———What can I do for you? ———I’d like two _____. packet of tea B.packets of apple C.packets of tea D. packet of apple 2.I agree with him _____.Some of his points are right. A.in the way B.on the way C.in a way D.on a way 3.There are lots of _____ that students have to follow in school. A. exercises B. problems C. skills D. rules 4.My MP3 _____ the computer by a data wire. A.in connected on B.is con ... ...

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