
牛津深圳版 七下 Unit 3 Our animal friends Listening 课件(27张,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:19251712Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Our animal friends 1 2 3 4 Lead-in Pre-Listening While-Listening Review 目录 Part I Lead-in Brainstorming If you are the reporter of Guangzhou Radio and you want to interview people about their dogs, what questions will you ask them? Part II Pre-Listening Before listening, go through the listening material and guess what you are going to listen to. First listening, catch the main idea of the listening material. Second listening, try to write down the word and figure very quickly, then check. David is interviewing people about their dogs on a radio programme .Look at these three dogs. What do you think their jobs are? Before you listen Part III While-Listening Top dogs A David is interviewing people about their dogs. Listen to the radio programme and fill in the blanks with the names of the speakers from the box. Jane Miss Brown Officer White Officer White Jane Miss Brown Work in pairs, Ask and answer. S1: What is the name of Officer White’s dog? S2: His name is Billy. S1: Where does Billy work? S2: He works at the airport. S1: What does he do there? S2: He smells people’s bags to find dangerous things. B Listen to the radio programme again and complete the notes below. Write one word in each blank. Billy Billy works at the airport. Billy _____ people’s bags to find dangerous things. smells Suzy is Jane’s pet dog. She helped Jane a lot when she was _____. David thinks Suzy is _____. Suzy sick clever Winnie appears on TV very often. She cannot act when she is _____ or _____. Winnie hungry tired What is special about the three dogs in the radio programme? Take notes about the three dogs and exchange your information with the class. Listen & take notes David: Welcome to Dogs' World. What's your dog's name, Officer White? Officer White: He's called Billy. David: What kind of work does Billy do? Officer White: He works at the airport. He smells people's bags and tries to find dangerous things. Tapescript David: Billy does a great job. Jane, you have your pet dog Suzy with you today. I heard that she helped you a lot last month. Jane: Yes. i was very sick and l couldn't walk around. She turned on and off the lights, brought me things, and even answered the door! David: What a clever dog! My dog only knows how to eat and sleep! Miss Brown, you dog Winnie is very famous. She appears on TV very often. Miss Brown: Yes, but she can’t act when she’s hungry or tired. David: Just like me! I can’t work when I’m hungry or tired. Let’s learn the new words and expressions. airport n. 机场 appear v. 出现 act v. 扮演(戏剧、电影中 的角色) New words and expressions P34 airport n. 机场 我们的飞机准时降落在肯尼迪机场。 Our plane landed at Kennedy Airport on time. Notes P34 2. appear v. 出现 一辆公共汽车出现在拐角处。 A bus appeared around the corner. 3. act v. 扮演(戏剧、电影中的角色) 他扮演李尔王。 He acted King Lear. Part IV Review 1. 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所 缺单词,注意其形式。 1. The little girl will a_____ an important role in the ne ... ...

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