
Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands 单元课件(6课时32+27+19+24+38+26张)+音频

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:91次 大小:12930754Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    (课件网) 根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。 1. Of the four?s??????????? ???, spring is my favorite.????????? 2. One of the things that Jerry?v?????????? ?????is the love of friends. 3. —I?k?????????? ?????on the door but nobody answered. —Oh, we were all out. 4. Don't forget to take your?p????????? ??????with you when you go abroad. 5. As the?c?????????? ?????of?China,?Beijing?is a modern city with a long history. 6. Paula likes traveling. It is very interesting and it makes her feel happy and?r?????????? ????. seasons? relaxed capital passport? knocked values 2a What do you know about customs in foreign countries? What do you think is the biggest challenge when visiting a foreign country? e.g. My cousin went to America, and she said that learning basic table manners was her biggest challenge. She never knew what she was supposed to do at the dinner table. Can they eat fruit with their hands? 1. Li Yue enjoys her change life in France. ( ) 2. Li Yue was never nervous before she arrived in France. ( ) 3. People are supposed to put their bread on their plates. ( ) Read the passage and check the sentences (T or F). T F F Read the letter and answer the questions. 2b 1. Why is Li Yue in France? She is on a student exchange program. 2. Does she enjoy staying with her host family? How do you know? Yes, she does. This can be seen in the way she talks about her host family: that they are nice and they go out of their way to make her feel at home; that the grandmother make Chinese food for her; that the grandmother is kind and talks to her in French to give her practice. 3. How does she feel about making mistakes when she speaks French? 4. What is the biggest challenge she is facing? It doesn’t worry her as it used to. Her biggest challenge is how to behave at the dinner table. 2c ★ Guess the words you don’t know when you read the passage. ★ Read the sentences and replace the underline words with the phrases in the box. Making mistakes in French used to make Lin Yue nervous. 2. It was quite hard for her to feel good about speaking French. 3. The host family tried very hard to help Lin Yue. 4. Lin Yue has slowly learned how to be like her French friends. ● went out of their way ● be comfortable (doing) ● gradually gotten used to being ● (something) worry (someone) Review the passage and make notes about French customs in the chart. Dos Don’ts You’re expected to put your bread on the table. … You are not supposed to put your bread on your plate. … 2d Dos You’re expected to put your bread on the table. You’re expected to cut up your fruit and eat it with a fork. You’re expected to say “That was delicious” if you don’t want any more food. Don’ts You are not supposed to put your bread on your plate. You are not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread. You’re not supposed to say you are full. You are not supposed to put your elbows on the table. 1. Mind your manners ... ...

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