
Unit 4 Achievements 第八课时学案(教师版+学生版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:20次 大小:2791923Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 高中英语 上教版 高一年级 第二学期 必修二 第四单元 第八课时 学案(教师版) 课题:Cultural focus II: Top spin 课时学习目标: 了解三位青少年追逐梦想的故事; 以访谈的形式分享成功的经历。 I. Warming up 1.Think of experience of playing table tennis. 2.Answer the questions: 1) Do you think table tennis is a lonely sport? Why or why not? 2) What do you think it takes to become a top table tennis player? Answers may vary. II. Viewing Task 1: Get familiar with some vocabularies in the video. trophy table tennis tournaments sacrifice dedication mental toughness Task 2: First watching (picture off). Answer questions: What is the video talking about? Who are the three players? 1) This video is an interview, telling the stories of three teenagers pursuing their dreams about table tennis. 2) They are Lily, Ariel, and Michael. Task 3: Second watching (picture on). Correct the factual errors in the sentences It is really fun to watch Michael play table tennis even though his style is very ordinary. It is really fun to watch Michael play table tennis because of his unique style. Ariel’s father has quit his job in order to take care of his family. Ariel’s father has quit his job in order to coach Ariel full-time. Lily’s friends thought it was quite common to play table tennis. Lily’s friends thought it was unusual for Lily to play table tennis. Since she is often away from school, Lily gets worse grades than her friend Emily. Even though she is often away from school, Lily still gets better grades than her friend Emily. Michael only does his table tennis practice in his home country. Michael doesn't only practice table tennis in his home country; he even travels to China to practise. Michael plays table tennis so well that he can compete with the best Chinese players. Even though Michael is one of the best players in the United States, he is average compared to the top Chinese players. Task 4: Finish the vocabulary exercise. III. Speaking Task 1: Retell the story. You are required to: 1) Choose one of the three teenagers; 2) Retell his/her story about pursuing dreams. Answers may vary. Task 2: Work in groups of four and role-play an interview. Answers may vary. IV. Interaction Go on conducting the interview with your classmates. 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 高中英语 上教版 高一年级 第二学期 必修二 第四单元 第八课时 学案(学生版) 课题:Cultural focus II: Top spin 课时学习目标: 了解三位青少年追逐梦想的故事; 以访谈的形式分享成功的经历。 I. Warming up 1.Think of experience of playing table tennis. 2.Answer the questions: 1) Do you think table tennis is a lonely sport? Why or why not? 2) What do you think it takes to become a top table tennis player? _____ _____ _____ II. Viewing Task 1: Get familiar with some vocabularies in the video. trophy table tennis tournaments sacrifice dedication mental toughness Task 2: First watching (picture off). Answer ... ...

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