
Unit 7 It's rainning Section B (2a-Self Check) 课件37张PPT+教案+课后练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:27290914Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七年级英语(下)第7单元第4课时 Unit 7 It’s raining! Section B (2a-Self Check) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 复习与运用所学的有关天气的相关知识来描述天气。 2) 能正确地描述他人正在进行的活动。 3)能根据所提供的相关材料描写某地的天气情况及某人正在进行的活动。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 教育学生善于观察天气,善于调整自己的情绪;了解世界各地的天气情况,增加世界观念。知道大自然的力量是神奇而伟大的,我们应当好好学习,立志学好科学知识,为长大后探索神奇的大自然,打好基础。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 综合运用所学的知识,完成短文,描述某地的天气及某些人物正在进行的活动。 2) 能运用所学的知识,来描述某地的天气及某人正在进行的活动。 2. 教学难点: 能运用所学的知识,来描述某地的天气及某人正在进行的活动。 三、教学过程 1. Warming- up and revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words and expression learned in Section B. 2. Let some Ss read the postcards in 2b. 3. Watch a video program about the weather forecast. 2. Presentation 1.Show some pictures on the big screen and present some new words and expressions in this period. (skate, snowy, winter, Russian, snowman) 2. Ss read the new words and try to remember them. 3. Free talk Finish some exercises. 4. Talking 1. Look at the pictures in 2a. Talk about the pictures with a partner. How's the weather? What are the people doing? Make a model to the Ss. S1: How's the weather in picture a? S2: It's sunny and warm. S1: What's the girl doing? S2: She's sitting near the pool and drinking some juice. 2. Ss work in pairs and talk about the pictures. 3. Let some pairs ask and answer the pictures aloud. 5. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen to present some of the new words in the postcards in 2b. 2. Teach Ss the new words. Then let Ss read the new words after the teacher. 6. Reading 1. Fast Reading Read the postcards in 2b and math each postcard with the correct picture in 2a. Ss read the postcards quickly and match the postcard the correct picture. Then check the answers. 2. Careful reading: Read the first postcard again and find the answers to these questions. ① Where is Su Lin now? ② What is Su Lin studying here? ③ Is she visiting some of his old friends there? ④ What’s she doing right now? ⑤ How’s the weather there? Read the second postcard again and find the answers to these questions. ① Where is Dave now? ② What are Dave and his family doing there? ③ Are they having a good time? ④ How’s the weather there? ⑤ How’s the weather in Jane’s country? Ss read the postcards and try to find the answers to the questions. Then check the answers with the class. 7. After Reading 1. Read the postcards again and fill in the chart with the information from the postcards in 2b. 2. 阅读指导: 1) 先看表格,可知本题要求我们读明信片,完成Sun Lin和Wen Wei现在在哪里在、那里的天气如何以及他们正在做的事情这三项内容。 2) 带着三个问题,分别去在Sun Lin和Wen Wei所写的明信片中去寻找相关内容。 3) 找到相关依据后,再认真分析这三个问题的正确答案,然后填写在空格处。 3. Check the answers wi ... ...

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