
典范英语3aL2 The Jumble Sale 课件+素材(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:89次 大小:25329030Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    (课件网) Quiz 1.The children put on a_____. 2.Wilf was a _____. 3. Everyone _____ Kipper. 4.Amazing_____. 5._____had a drink. 6.He made everyone_____. stuntman looked at gymnasts circus Everyone laugh A jumble sale is an event at which second-hand goods are sold. Usually it’s for charity(慈善义卖). The practice of thoroughly cleaning a house (大扫除)in the springtime. Can you go to the jumble sale at 9 o’clock? counted Reading Dramatically Mum and dad were ... Mum looked... Dad threw... The children looked at ... They played... Mum put ... The children were... They all... The children wanted to ... "..." said Wilf. The children saw... They counted ... It was time to ... "..." said Mum. Oh no! The jumble was open. What can you see? What a lot of junk! What a lot of What a lot of babies! What a lot of presents! What a lot of cars! Homework Listen to the story and read it skilfully and dramatically. Tell the story to your Mum and Dad.

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