
Unit 2 Language and Culture Period 6 My Experience with American English 33张PPT+教案

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:25次 大小:74781165Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 上外版 高一年级上 Unit 2 Language & Culture Period 6 My Experience with American English Lead in Words and Expressions 1. fry n. 炸薯条 2. snail n. 蜗牛 3. cheese n. 奶酪 4. amazed adj. 大为惊奇的 5. portion n (食物的)一份 6. chip n. 炸薯条 7. packet n. 小包装纸袋,小硬纸板盒 8. crisp n. (BrE) 炸土豆片,炸薯片 9. gravy n. 调味儿肉汁 10. salty adj. 含盐的;咸的 Lead in Words and Expressions 11. -based adj. 以......为重要部分(或特征)的 12. sauce n. 调味汁;酱 13. savoury adj. 咸味儿的 14. snack n. 点心;小吃 15. embarrassed adj. (人或行为,尤指在社交场 合)窘迫的,尴尬的 16. pants n. 内裤;短裤 17. underwear n. 内衣 18. disgusted adj. 厌恶的;憎恶的;反感的 19. eggplant n. 茄子 20. pizza n 意大利饼 Lead in Words and Expressions 21. aubergine n. 茄子 22. likely adj. 可能的;预料的 23. vocabulary n. 词汇,词汇量 24. all the way 一路上;自始至终 25. on earth (加强疑问语气)到底,究竟 26. California 加利福尼亚 27. Las Vegas 拉斯韦加斯(赌城) Lead in Varieties of English Varieties of English: √ British English √ American English √ Australian English √ Malaysian English √ Singapore English. For example, the change of the “u” sound in “duke”, “during” in British English; Lead in B. A decade. According to the linguist, how long does it take the American English to grow as the British people settled in North America? C. A hundred years. D. Four hundred years. A. A few weeks. Varieties of English Reading When I was ten years old, I went to the US to visit some family friends. We travelled all the way from California to Las Vegas. I noticed something funny about the way everyone spoke English. I was thinking, “This is the way they speak in films!” 1. all the way 一路上; 自始至终 2. the way everyone spoke English 每个人说英语的方式 3. Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯(赌城) Para.1 Reading B My Experience with American English Reading task 1. What are the key message of paragraph One? Choose the correct answer(s). A. I went to America to visit some family friends. B. We travelled all the way from California to Las Vegas. C. I noticed the way the American spoke English. D. I like the way the American spoke English. Reading B My Experience with American English Group Work A is true, but it is not the key message, I believe. Neither is B. B is a fact but not the key message, either. It must be C. In para. 1, notice the line - “I noticed something funny about the way everyone spoke English.” Reading B My Experience with American English A. I went to America to visit some family friends. B. We travelled all the way from Califonia to Las Vegas. C. I noticed the way the American spoke English. D. I like the way the American spoke English. Group Work D is a wrong statement. The author didn’t say “I liked the way the Americans spoke English.” So, we cross out A, B and D. C is right answer. Reading B My Experience with American English A. I went to America to visit some family friends. B. We trav ... ...

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