
Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A(4a-4c)同步课时练(基础+培优)(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:1335630Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 第三课时 Section A (4a-4c) 基础练习 I.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. (be )you learning English on the radio when he called you. 2. He (make) a model plane yesterday. 3. She was taking (photo)in the park. 4. This is an (ice) road. 5. May I (have)a look at your new magazine? II.单项选择。 ( )6. Did you hear the strange noise next door at around 10 o'clock last night? -No, I my favourite music in the bedroom. A. listen to B. listened to C. was listening to D. am listening ( )7.-Paul,what were you doing at nine last night? -I a movie in the cinema with my friends. was watching B.watch C. have watched D.will watch ( )8.Tony was drawing a picture I was doing my homework. A. if B. because C. while D.until ( )9. -Did you see a girl with an English book in her hand pass by just now? -No, sir. I a magazine. A. read B.am reading C. was reading D. would read III.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 10. He is listening to music now. (at that time yesterday改写句子) He to music at that time yesterday. 11. Sandy was talking with her friends at this time yesterday.(改为否定句) Sandy with her friends at this time yesterday. 12. While we were walking on the road. It began to rain.(用when改写句子) We on the road it began to rain. 13. Cathy was drawing a picture at nine last night.(改为一般疑问句) a picture at nine last night? 14. Bob was waiting for a bus when I met him.(对画线部分提问) Bob when you met him? 培优提升 IV.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 15.当我看照片时,爸爸走了进来。 Dad walked in while I at the photos. 16.今天上午九点你妹妹在做什么? your sister at 9:00 this morning?? 17.昨晚我给你打电话时,你正在做什么? What you when I you last night? 18.玛丽散步时发生了什么事情? What Mary a walk? 19.我在买东西时看到了那场交通事故。 I when I the traffic accident. V.短文填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。 Hello, I am Billy. One day when I went by the park the three girls Mary, Susan and Molly 20. (walk)in the park. I wanted to play with them but I was afraid to speak to them. While I 21. (watch) them, suddenly a cat ran down the tree. The three girls were shocked. After a while they calmed down(平静下来). Then they 22. (begin) to talk about their dreams. Mary said,“I 23. (become) a famous musician when I grow up.” While Mary 24. (talk) about her dream, something strange happened. A small boy ran to them.While he 25. (run),he fell down. Mary stopped talking. All of us 26. (go)to help the boy.He was hurt badly. When we 27. (discuss) which hospital we would take him to, the boy's mother arrived. Without saying anything, she 28. (call)120 for help. While all of us 29. (wait)for help, another accident happened. What happened? A snake appeared. 参考答案 1. Were 2. made 3. photos 4. icy 5. have 6-9 CACC III. 10. was listening 11. wasn’t talking 12. were walking when 13. Was Cathy drawing 14. What was doing IV.15.was looking 16.What was doing 17.were doing called 18. hap ... ...

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