
人教新课标高中英语 高二下学期选修七Unit3Using Language 课件(19张ppt)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:969723Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Under the sea Language points What are their Synonyms? abandon target tasty scare urge conservation neat pause drag give up, desert aim; goal delicious; yummy frighten; make…afraid press; force protection clean and tidy stop temporarily; suspend pull; haul annual adj./n. -- annually adv. deep adj. -- depth n. urge v.-- urgent a. reflect v. -- reflection n. aware adj. -- awareness n. vivid adj. -- vividly adv. tasty adj. -- taste v./n. scare v.-- scary adj. -- scared adj. pension n. -- pensioner n. 每年的;年刊 每年地;每年一次 深的 深度;深处 催促;极力主张 紧急的;紧迫的 思考;映射 反思;思考 意识到的;知道的 意识;认识 生动的;鲜明的 生动地;鲜明地 好吃的,可口的 品尝 恐吓,受惊吓 可怕的(sth.) 恐慌的,害怕的(sb.) 养老金,退休金 领取养老金者 Word Formation Exercise 1. We hold the sports meeting _____. (annual) 2. She was _____ of her mistakes only after the teacher told her that she should raise her _____ of protecting the environment. (aware) 3. Jack and Mary described their journey _____ in a few _____ words. (vivid) 4. Some _____ business forced me to leave Shanghai at once. (urge) annually aware awareness vividly vivid urgent Exercise 5. The hostess made a lot of _____ food and invited all the guests to have a _____. (taste) 6. After hearing about the _____ story, the boys were very _____. (scare) 7. John could understand the poems quite well. Other students admired his _____ of understanding. (deep) 8. The victory of the football team is a _____ on their hard work and team spirit. (reflect) tasty taste scary scared depth reflection 1分类 2在此期间 3对……喊叫 4上下翻转;颠倒地;乱七八糟 5帮助某人摆脱困境或危险 6意识到 7吓死了 8仔细想;回忆;反思;反映 9劝某人做某事; 敦促某人做某事 10曾经有一段时期 1. sort out 2. in the meantime 3. yell at 4. upside down 5. help sb. out 6. be aware of be aware that… 7. be scared to death 8. reflect on 9. urge sb. to do sth. urge that sb. (should) do 10. It/There was a time when Target Language Points 1. sort out 2. yell at 3.help sb. out (1) The doctor will be here soon. _____, relax yourself. (2) You might be angry, but you couldn’t _____ others. It’s rude. (3) Why not turn the box _____ so that you can get the coins out more easily. (4) Please _____ the books according to the topics. (5) He is in danger! Let’s _____. In the meantime yell at upside down sort out 4. upside down 5. in the meantime help him out 6. be aware of / be aware that… aware adj. 意识到的;知道的 awareness n. 意识 Exercise: (1) 那个女孩拿到卷子的时候才意识到她错了。 The girl _____ her mistakes when she got her paper. = The girl was aware that she was wrong when she got her paper. 意识到…… was aware of (2) 那个人意识到他被跟踪了。 The man _____ his being followed. = (3) 我们应该意识到保护环境的重要性。 We should be aware that _____ = We should be aware of the _____ was aware of The man was aware that he was being followed. importance of protecting the e ... ...

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