
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section B 1a-1d教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:11次 大小:15360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains 学习内容:Section B 1a—1d 学习任务: 1.掌握本课的重点词,短语。 2.通过图片能听懂故事情节的发展,并能捕捉关键信息。 3.根据关键词复述全文。 导学流程: Step 1 words study 1. Do you know these words, study them in your group Gold_____ emperor_____ silk_____ stupid_____ cheat_____ Underwear_____ nobody_____ 2. Ask student read these words and translate them, check the answer. 3.单词巩固。(完成1a)。 Step2 lead in today we are going to learn about the story. 1. Look at the picture .Do you know this story ? what’s the name of the story 2. Who’s the main character in the story? 3.What is he wearing? _____ Step3 听力训练 1.1b listen and number the pictures (1—5)in 1a Requests: (1)listen to the conversation and finish 1b. (2)check the answer in your group (3)listen again and check again . 2.1c listen again and fill in the blacks(听2遍) Requests: (1).第一遍(只听) (2).边听边完成(第2遍) (3)展示。(说出答案) Step4合作交流 1. read the listening text and study in group 要求:了解文中不认识的单词,分组学习,弄清文章大意。3分钟后各组长把学习的生单词给大家表述一下,(如:我们这组学到的单词是什么,什么意思,什么词性)。 2.1d. Use the pictures in 1c to tell the story 要求:利用图片和关键词复述故事(可利用课文中的叙述) 3.展示提高 要求:声音洪亮 Step5 看范文,熟读范文,学习范文。 Step6 小结:从这篇文章中你学到了什么? Step7 Homework: 用英语向家人讲讲皇帝的新装的故事。 Step7.教学反思:

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