
Unit 3 A Birthday Party. Lesson?2 Buying a Present教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:48次 大小:157809Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学内容 Unit 3 A Birthday Party Lesson?2 Buying a Present 二次备课 教学目标 1.?掌握本课新词: blouse,shoes,socks, piano, tape, music box, money,要求发音准确、理解词义。? 2.?掌握购物用语,如“Can I help you?”“How much is...?”“It’s ...yuan .”“Here’s the money”。 3.?能够用英语买礼物。? 教学重 难点 1. 新单词要求发音准确、理解词义。 2.?能较灵活地使用购物用语“Can I help you?”“How much is...?”“It’s ...yuan .”“Here’s the money” 教学准备 课件,小卡片,人民币教具 教学过程 Step?1? ?师生问候。? 2.?唱生日歌。 Step?2? 出示礼物卡片,教学单词present和gift.? 随机打开礼物盒,学习新单词: VCD:师教读 piano:师教读,开火车读。 music box: 师教读 Blouse(由mouse引出blouse):师教读,分男女生读 tape: 师教读,抽生读 shoes: 师教读,分小组读 socks(由cock,lock引出sock):师教读 Step?3?? ?出示钱,教读单词money? ?学习新句型“How much...?”“It’s ...yuan .”? 3.?将单词带入句型操练。? 4.?Play a guessing game.? Step?4? 1.?出示商店和售货员的图片,模拟买礼物的过程。在此过程中学习购物常用语“Can I help you?”“How much is...?”“It’s ...yuan .”“Here’s the money”? 2. 分角色读售货员和顾客说的话:分师生读,分男女生读,分小组读。 3. ?分角色扮演售货员和顾客:师扮演售货员,生扮演顾客;生扮演售货员,师扮演顾客;生1扮演售货员,生2扮演顾客。 4.Work in groups: 6人一组,一人扮演售货员,其他人扮演顾客买礼物。 5.抽小组展示。 Step?5? 1.?课堂小练习。? 2.?布置作业:为家人或朋友买一份礼物。? 3.?与学生道别。 板书设计 Lesson 8 Buying a Present : Can I help you? : I want a music box. How much is it? : It’s 20 yuan. : Here’s the money. : Thank you. 课堂小练习设计 选择正确的句子补全对话. A: Thank you. B: Can I help you? C: How much is it? . : : I want a music box. : It’s 20 yuan. : Here’s the money. : 2.看图,选择正确答案。 1. -- ? -- It's 60 yuan. A. How old are you B. Whose blouse is it C. How much is a blouse 2. -- Here's the money. -- . A. Good morning B. Nice to meet you C. Thank you 3. -- ? -- I want an ice cream. A. What do you like B. Can I help you C. What do you need

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