
Unit3 Animals 第三课时( Part5&6)课件(23张PPT)+教案+习题

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:20次 大小:6786133Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 Animals Lesson3 练习 选择合适的选项。 1._____ it live in Africa? A. Is B. Do C.Does 2. It's not_____ elephant. A. a B. an C./ 3. The crocodile got four legs. A. has B. have C.is 4. it fly? A. Has B.Is C.Can 5. The food is good_____us. A. in B.of C.for 选词填空。(单词可重复使用。) ( Has Is Can Does )_____it eat other animals. _____it a sheep? _____it got a long nose? _____it eat grass? _____frogs walk? 三、根据句子描述,选择相应的图片。 A. B. C. ( )1. It is a big animal. It has got a long nose and two big ears. ( )2. It has got four legs. It eats grass. It lives on a farm. ( )3. It is clever. It has got a long tail. It eats other animals. 答案: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 1.Does 2.Is 3.Has 4.Does 5.Can 1.B 2.A 3.C ( 仅 ) ( 供 ) ( 武 ) ( 昌 ) ( 区 ) ( 小学教学使 ) ( 用 )中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 外研版Join in小学英语四年级下册 Unit3 Animals Lesson3 Part5&6教学设计 课题 Unit3 Animals part5&6 单元 Unit3 学科 英语 年级 四年级 学习目标 能熟练唱part5歌曲;能熟练使用句型It eats...It lives...It has got...来描述动物。学会使用句型Does it eat...?Does it live...?Can it...?Is it...?Has it got...?Is it a...?来描述和猜测动物。 重点 1.能熟练唱part5歌曲;2.能熟练使用句型It eats...It lives...It has got...来描述动物。3.学会使用句型Does it eat...?Does it live...?Can it...?Is it...?Has it got...?Is it a...?来描述和猜测动物。 难点 学会使用句型Does it eat...?Does it live...?Can it...?Is it...?Has it got...?Is it a...?来描述和猜测动物。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 复习呈现操练 第一步:教师呈现动物图片和动词。第二步:教师呈现cow的图片,问学生关于动物的图片:Is it big?What does it eat?What color is it?What has it got?Where does it live?教师请学生用句型来描述cow第三步:教师呈现狮子图片,学生根据刚刚所复习的句型描述狮子特点,教师带领学生核对答案。教师呈现更多小动物,如lion,bird,fish,rabbit,请学生用句型描述第一步:教师呈现frog,crocodile,elephant图片,带领学生认读单词。第二步:guessing game:What is it?让学生初步感知句型:Is it green?Has it got big ears and four legs?Does it eat other animals?Has it got a long nose?第三步:教师提问Has it got four legs?Does it live in water?Can it swim?Is it green?第四步:教师呈现歌曲,教授部分词汇:favorite,拓展Africa 和Asia第五步:教师播放歌曲音频,学生听,填空。教师带领学生核对答案。可播放两遍。第六步:教师呈现活动6,学生听听力,完成练习。It is a lion.第一步:教师带领学生提炼活动6句型,Does it eat...?Does it live...?Can it...?Is it...?Has it got...?Is it a...?第二步:学生两人一组,选择书本中的动物图片,一人问,一人回答。 学生将动物的图片和动词进行匹配。学生用上节课所学句型来回答:It is.. It eats... It has got...It lives...学生用句型描述cow.学生两人一组讨论,然后将答案写在纸上。学生举手回答。学生跟读单词。学生根据线索猜小动物。学生回答老师提问:It has got four legs.It lives in water.It can swim.It is green.学生了解Africa和Asia的知识。学生听音频填空。学生听听力,Listen and tick。学生思考并回答。学生用句型提问和猜测小动物。 复习It can...句型。复习描述动物的句型:It is.. It eats... It has go ... ...

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