
译林版高中英语选修六Unit 3 Understanding each other- Welcome to the unit课件(28张ppt)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:6567424Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Understanding each other Welcome to the unit How do people usually greet each other? Formal ways: How are you? How do you do? How have you been? Informal ways:Hi...,Hello..., Hi, there... In China: Have you had your meals? Body language: shake hands, wave, hug, bow, smile People greet each other by . together and . putting their hands bowing In Thailand In the Middle East, .greet each other by . Arabs touching noses The Maoris(毛利人) living in New Zealand greet each other by touching noses. Brazil In , you can expect to be hugged when you meet someone. South America the Statue of Liberty the USA: shaking hands the Netherlands (荷兰) 4 Holland: kissing on one cheek and then the other Pair work( Act out!) Discussion Why do people in different countries greet each other in different ways? 'Have you eaten?' 'shake hands' "clutural differences" T or F questions: 1. In the United States, people hug when they meet important people. 2.Chinese say "have you eaten?" is because that in the past,Chinese are really poor, they are hungry. 3.Westeners may think you're inviting them to dinner if you ask about their meals. 4.In the past, people shaked hands to show they didn't have weapons in their hands. shake hands F T T T 5. In western countries, it is very common to ask someone's age . 6. In China, people like to ask other's wages, while westerners don't like. F T impolite Can you think of any other customs that are different in different parts of the world? Cultural differences festivals wedding customs language greeting ways eating Put the following phrases into Chinese. black tea brown sugar green-eyed 红茶 红糖 红眼病 There are lots of dishes on the table. They are delicious. But you say to the foreigners." Sorry, there aren’t many dishes. They are not nice. " When the foreigners hear this, they will feel_____. happy?  B. angry?? C. strange??? D. unhappy Chinese chopsticks Western fork and knife Tableware Wedding in China Wedding in Western countries Wedding Customs Festivals Christmas tree Santa Claus the Spring Festival Faced with cutural difficulties, what should we do? Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 1 Jack is an exchange in China. One day he walks in the school, one Chinese student ask :" Have you eaten?",Jack felt a little strange and went on. He met another student. That student said:" Have you eaten?" Jack felt embrassed and said: WHY EVERYONE ASK ME WETHER I EAT OR NOT? I HAVE MONEY FOR MEALS! So, how to greet a foreign friend? Situation 2 You met a German friend, you greet him by asking him these questions: "How old are you?" "what do you do?" Guess how this friend react to your questions. Conclusion Faced with cultural differences, we should 1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do . 2. understand each other . 3. respect cultural differences . Homework 1.Find more information about cultural differences. 2.Preview the reading part.

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