
Unit 4 Save the trees 词汇讲义(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:64次 大小:714323Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit4 Save the trees Unit4 Save the trees To learn some new words and phrases in this unit. To know how to use these words and phrases. Attract students’ interest to English learning. Do you know anything about trees? -508041275 一、必记单词 pine n. 松树 produce v. 产生;生产 branch n. 树枝 imagine v. 想象;设想 example n. 例子 dig v. 挖 gas n. 气体 carry v. 般;扛;背 oxygen n. 氧气 harmful adj. 有害的 furniture n.家具 major adj. 主要的 disease n. 疾病 convenient adj. 方便的 hole n. 洞 against prep. 反对 save v. 拯救 discuss v. 讨论 fight v. 与…作斗争 二、常考短语 1. in the importance of… …的重要性 17. be bad for 对…有害 2. know about 了解 18. with the help of 在…帮助下 3. fight against 与…作斗争 19. on holiday 在度假 4. provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物 20. at the beach 在海滩上 5. in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中 21. on the phone 在打电话中 6. in many ways 在许多方面 22. at a…speed 以…的速度 7. take in 吸收 23. not…until… 直到…才… 8. come from 来自 24. (be) good for 对…有用 9. for example 例如 25. dig holes 挖洞 10. in fact (补充细节)确切地说 26. thousands of 成千上万的 11. get…from… 从…得到… 27. because of 因为 12. look around 环顾四周 28. as a result 结果 13. (be) made of… 由…制成 29. the number of… …的数量 14. cut down 砍倒 30. do one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力去做某事 15. millions of 大量的;数以百万计的 31. according to 根据;按照 16. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 32. such as 例如 三、重点句型 1. They keep the air cool and clean. 2. They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen. 3. Trees also make our lives more convenient. 树也使我们的生活更方便了。 1. furniture 不可数名词,意为“家具” 一件家具用 a piece of furniture 【即学即练】 How much _____ (furniture) is there in your room? 2. In this unit, you will learn about trees and their importance in our lives. importance(the quality of being important) 名词,意为“重要性”,形容词为important “重要的” 例如: We all know the importance of learning a foreign language well. I have something important to tell you. 【即学即练】 Everyone must know the _____ (important) of trees. 3. discuss 动词 discuss the importance of trees. discuss (to talk about sth. with sb.) 动词,意为“讨论;商量” 常用搭配: discuss sth. with sb. 名词形式为 discussion 【即学即练】 We had a long _____ (discuss) before we had a meeting. 4. They help fight against pollution. fight 不及物动词(与…作斗争),打架(后接against, with, for 等), 及物动词,意为“极力反对,斗争,与…打架”, 其过去式fought. 名词,意为“战斗,打架”.名词形式为 “fighter” 例如: The soldiers fought against enemies bravely. Have you fought with your brother again? Do stop fighting, boys! They fought for their country. Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory. Tom fought the tall boy just now. The police stopped the fight outside the school. against: 介词,意为“反对” 反义词为“for”支持 be against (doing) sth. 反对做某事 【即学即练】 One of the opinions _____ smoking is that it is harmfu ... ...

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