

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:88次 大小:3860052Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Family, Friends and People Around Type of lesson:?Revision lesson Learning aims:? Students will be able to 1. review vocabulary, useful expressions, sentences and a passage about family, friends and people around.? 2. learn how to write a passage about a person. Teaching procedure: Step1: Lead-in Listen to a song and guess what is the song about. 设计意图:引出话题,活跃气氛 Step2: Free talk Ask students to discuss together and answer my questions. 1. When talking about good friends, who comes to your mind first? 2. What are they like? 3.?What qualities should a good friend have? Students should use attributive sentences. Practice following teacher’s example, “Ithink a good friend is a person who shares happiness and sadness.” 设计意图:复习学生已经掌握的描述人的相关词汇,引出一些更加高级的词汇,同时也是中考需要掌握的词汇,复习的同时也让学生们掌握学习一些新的词汇,复习并运用定语从句。 Step3: Do a survey Ask students to make their own choice and add up their scores 设计意图: 让学生根据阅读内容,预估自己是否是一位好伙伴。为下文做铺垫。 Step4:Think and talk Give students two situations and discuss how to be a REAL good friend. 设计意图: 用英语思考解决问题,培养学生的创新和批判性思维,为学生的作文提供素材。 Step5:Enjoy passages 1. Send a passage to students as a gift. Ask them to read it in 1 minute. Then ask them,“What’s the passage about ?”,“Give the passage a proper title .” 2.?Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. 3.?Ask students to teach each other in groups and then check the answers. 4. And then, make students think, “What do you think of the passage?”, “What kind of person is Alan?” 5.?Give students some tips of writing a passage about person. 6. Ask students to read another passage and fill in the blanks. 6. Ask students to pick their own favorite complex sentences , then let them read it aloud in their group, then have them write it down on their notebooks. 设计意图: 阅读相关话题文章,用来锻炼学生的阅读能力,练习中考的语法填空和短文填空,?找出学习文章中的好词好句进行积累,为写作提供素材。 Step6: Read?and discuss Read the passage and guess who he is and figure out the word “successful”. “What can you learn from him?” 设计意图:讨论成功的秘诀并从他人身上学到的品质,为写作埋下伏笔。 Step7: Practicing writing 1.?Give students a composition and analyze how to write in general. 2.?Let them write down the composition in groups orally. 设计意图: 本环节完成输出任务。给学生一篇中考作文,进行实战演练,先从大体上分析本篇作文如何“排兵布阵”,然后让学生进行分组口头练习,最后在全班面前展示,本环节学生们不仅巩固学生在写人方面的作文的练习,同时促进了学生们之间的合作意识。 Step8: Homework Write the composition “The person I can learn from” after class. Who is the person you can learn from? Why do you want to learn from him/her? What can you learn from him/ her? 设计意图学生运用课堂上所学的描述人物性格特征的新词以及积累的好词好句,讲口头表达落实到笔头练习,训练写作技能。 21世纪教育网 www.21c ... ...

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