
Unit 7 It's raining. Section A (1a-1c) 课件(共35张PPT)+音视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:33次 大小:23772114Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 7 It's raining. Period 1 Section A (1a-1c) 人教版版 七年级下 你听到了哪些描写天气的词? Words and expressions weather snow rain sunny windy cook cloudy Main Words rain rainy raining -- How’s the weather?=What's the weather like? -- It’s raining/rainy. rain v. 下雨 n. 雨水 rainy adj. 下雨的 windy wind -- How’s the weather?=What's the weather like? -- It’s windy. windy adj. 多风的 wind n. 风 cloudy cloud -- How’s the weather?=What's the weather like? -- It’s cloudy. cloudy adj. 多云的、阴天的 cloud n. 云 sunny sun -- How’s the weather?=What's the weather like? -- It’s sunny. sunny adj. 晴朗的 sun n. 太阳 sunny snow -- How’s the weather?=What's the weather like? -- It’s snowy. snowy adj. 下雪的 snow n. 雪 snowing Let's play a guessing game. It’s _____. It’s ____. It’s_____. How’s the weather today? =What’s the weather like ? cloudy raining rainy How’s the weather today? =What’s the weather like ? It’s _____. It’s_____. snowy snowing It’s _____. How’s the weather today? =What’s the weather like ? It’s_____. sunny windy sun cloud rain snow wind sunny cloudy rainy snowy windy n. adj. n.+y adj. Do you know these places? Beijing Shanghai Moscow Boston Toronto --It's ... . -- How’s the weather in...?=What's the weather like in ...? Match the words with the pictures [a-e]. raining ____ windy ____ cloudy ____ sunny ____ snowing ____ a c e b d 1a Listen and write these city names in the boxes above. Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai 1b Beijing Moscow Shanghai Toronto Boston Do you want to be a weather?reporter (天气播报员)? Let’s have a try! /r?'p?rt?/ Weather Forecast 天气预报 It’s sunny. How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s raining. What’s the weather like in Changsha? Weather Forecast It’s cloudy. How’s the weather in Guangzhou? Weather Forecast It’s snowing. What’s the weather like in Harbin? Weather Forecast It’s windy. How’s the weather in Shanghai? Weather Forecast 1. It’s raining. 1) it 可用来指代天气, 在句中可不译为中文。要根据上下文理解。 如: It is windy. (天气)在刮风。 It’s cold today. 今天很冷。 2) it还可指代时间,通常不需要翻译. It is 10 o'clock now . 现在是10点钟。 Language Points 2. How’s the weather? 天气怎么样?同义句为: What's the weather like? 1) 回答用“It’s + 天气”, 如: --How’s the weather today? =What's the weather like today? --It’s cloudy. 2) 后可接时间、地点。如: How’s the weather today? =What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? How’s the weather in Sichuan? =What's the weather like in Sichuan? 四川天气怎么样? 3.天气名词末尾+y变为形容词。 Nouns Adjectives wind windy cloud cloudy rain rainy snow snowy sun sunny 3. 名词+y 形容词 1) wind—windy cloud—cloudy rain—rainy snow—snowy sun—sunny fog—foggy (特殊情况) 这几组表天气的词都是“名词+y = 形容词”。 2) snow 名词 “雪”;动词 “下雪”。 其形容词为snowy“下雪的、有雪的”. “下雪了”可说: It’s snowing. 或 It’s snowy. 3) rain 名词。“雨,雨水”。 动词。“ ... ...

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