

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:48次 大小:1368943Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6(八下) 基础检测清单 词 汇 拓 展 ·名词 1.home →_____(adj.)无家可归的 2.ability →     (复数)? →     (反义词)缺陷 3.charity→     (复数)? 4.coach →     (复数)? 5.gold →     (adj.)黄金的 ·动词 6.train →      (n.)训练,培训 7.achieve→     (n.)?        8.organize→ _____(n.)组织 →     (adj.)有条理的 9.survive→     (n.)幸存者 10.operate→     (n.)手术?      ? 做手术 homeless abilities disability charities coaches golden training achievement organization organized survivor operation do operations 词 汇 拓 展 11.introduce→      (n.)? 12.support→     (n.)支持者      ? 在……的支持下 13.donate→     (n.)捐献? 14.mean→     (n.)? →     (adj.)有意义的 →     (反义词)无意义的 ·形容词 15.old→     (adj.)年老的 16.necessary→     (adj.)没有必要的 17.confident→     (n.)自信? (续表) introduction supporter with the support of… donation meaning meaningful meaningless elderly unnecessary confidence 短语归纳 ·动词短语 1.       放弃? 2.       给某人写信? 3.        有机会做某事? 4.        期望某人做某事? 5.        向某人展示某物? 6.        接受培训? 7.        使……获得巨大成功 8.        获得一等奖? 9.        与……密切合作? 10.        实现某人的梦想? 11.        照看,照顾? (续表) give up write to sb have a chance to do sth expect sb to do sth show sth to sb/show sb sth receive training make…a great success win first prize work closely with… achieve/realize one’s dream take care of 短语归纳 12.        保持……干净? 13.       确保? 14._____        做某事有困难? 15.        和某人保持联系? 16.        伸出援助之手? 17.        失去生命? 18.       从事……工作? 19._____        为某人提供某物? 20.        把人们凝聚在一起 ·介词短语 21.        来自不同的背景? 22.        用这种方法? (续表) keep…clean make sure have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth keep in touch with sb give a helping hand lose one’s life work as… provide sth for sb/provide sb with sth bring people together from different backgrounds in this way 短语归纳 23.       在工作,在上班? ·名词短语 24._____ 最令人惊异的经历 ·其他短语 25.        和……相似? 26.        不是……而是……? 27.        生来具有? 28.        务必做某事;一定要做某事 29.        生病住院? (续表) at work the most amazing experience be similar to… not…but… be born with be sure to do sth be ill in hospital 佳句诵读 ·体育活动[素材链接:八下Unit 6 P80 A] 1.It’s meaningful to do something for the Olympics. 为奥运会做些事儿是很有意义的。 2.The most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part. 最重要的事情不是赢得金牌或是银牌,而是重在参与。 3.It’s great for us to work closely with these special athletes. 能和这些特殊运动员密切合作对我们来说真的很棒。 4.He tried his best and fi ... ...

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