
2020--2021学年外研版(三起点)六年级英语下册 期中综合能力检测卷图片版(含答案和音频,无听力材料)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:71次 大小:4862790Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    4. Steven's brother is crying 2020-2021学年第二学期期中综合能力检测卷 )5. Steven is not reading a book 英语六年级下册外研版 笔试部分(70分 四、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分) 1. A. play B. everyone C. blow 时间:60分钟满分:100分 )2. A. meat B. bread C. tea 题号 四五六七八九十+一总分 3Asnow B. wind C. cloudy )4. A falling B. putting C. nothing 5. A. twelve B. third C. eight 听力部分(30分 五、按要求完成下列各题。(8分) 听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是(V)否(×)相符。(12分) 1. three(序数词) 2.演奏,弹奏(汉译英) )1. It will be warm and sunny in Kunming. 3.像……一样(汉译英) 4.次,回(汉译英) )2. We are going to play basketball at half past three 5.loud(副词) 6. cloud(形容词) 3 I want a hot dog and some noodles too 7.put(-ing形式) 8.ride(-ing形式) )4. In this photo, the birds are singing in the tree 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(6分 )5. Ann is playing the piano, but the phone rings 1. Mary (make )a cake, but the baby (cry )6. And the apples are falling down the stairs 2. Oh no! Everything is (fall) down the stairs 二、听录音,选择与所听对话内容相符的图片。(8分 3. The sun is shining (bright in the sl 1.A B 4. It will b wind) in Xinjiang g可 5. The two hamburgers are six dollars and thirteen cen 6. It (look) like you are going to stay hungry. B 七、单项选择。(10分 1.It’ s going to rain Anow B. soon ()3.A )2. The cows are water. The rabbits are A. drinking, jumping B. drink, jumps C. drinking, jump ()3.(2018石家庄)—How is the stamp? ()4.A B It's five yuan $375 $2.15 A. many B. far C. much The man is TV but the woman a song 听录音,根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分) A. watches, singing B. watching, sings C. watching, singing 1. Steven s family live in China now ((( 5. -When are you going to the museum? )2. It's Sunday today A. At a quarter past ten B. At ten fifty. )3. Mum is washing clothes at home C. At a quarter to ten

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