
安徽省皖南八校2021届高三下学期4月第三次联考英语试题 图片版含答案(无听力音频有文字材料)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:20次 大小:11632170Byte 来源:二一课件通
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donations to the Birmingham Education Foundation. And he has received more offers for jobs Chubby Inu-themed products and scholarships for schools By drawing inspiration from popular websites young people like to visit, Luo has become 28. Why did Carr walk 32 kilometers the entire night? a prolific meme-maker, creating a new series of memes every two or three months A. To enjoy a thrilling adventure alone. Attractive memes are emerging every day, while users' tastes are ever-changing. For us B. To make a good impression at a new job designers, it causes great pressure but also presents immense opportunities, "Luo said C. To win customers' praise and compliment 32. What does the underlined word"tedious "in Paragraph 2 mean? D. To do some physical exercise for himself rrow B. Dull C. Ancient D. Common 29. Which of the following can best describe Walter Carr? 33. Why do more and more people like to make memes? A Hardworking and kind OTo make us laugh happily. B. Adventurous and brave @2To help us make good profit amorous a generous BTo show designers'character D. Humble but stubbor OTo help us communicate better 30. How did Jenny Lamey help Carr? A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④ A. She offered him more jobs 34. What does Luo's words in the last paragraph suggest? B. She gave him her own Ford Car A Designers should cater for users'appeti C. She started a GoFundMe page B Memes cause great pressure to designers. D. She donated some money to him. C. New interesting memes are arising everyday. 31. What is the text mainly about? D. More and more memes bring us opportunities A. The tough experience of a young mar 35. What is the main idea of the text? B Good methods to win praise from boss A. The stories about some famous meme-makers C. Keep responsible spirits to fulfill anything. B Memes going viral on Chinese social networking D. A young man's persevering attitude to life C. The difference between old and new greetings D. Memes' creating cartoon animals character During this year' Spring Festival, Ma Rui made a meme(表情包) by collaging(拼贴)her 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) portrait and images of firecrackers and golden coins. Ma sent it to relatives and friends on 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项 social media as her new year s greeting Nowadays, it sounds difficult to stick to a vegan diet, especially with many popular Traditional text greetings are tedious. A meme sticker of myself is more creative and dishes containing meat or other animal products. 36 According to Huffpost, more than 3 personal, " said Ma, a 38-year-old woman working in Yinchuan. As a regular meme maker million people in the United States are vegans. In the UK, about 542, 000 people have chosen Ma also made her cat and dog the main characters of her creations. With her ever-increasing veganism over the past decade. meme collection, she can deal with most online communications by sending memes without 37 One reason may be that p ... ...

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