

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:54次 大小:1939080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 第17讲阅读指导三 知识梳理 小六英语阅读理解解题技巧 一、排干扰,抓关键。 阅读理解,不能为枝节信息所左右,要看主要信息。所以首先我们要慢读短文一遍,抓住文章大意,遇到难理解的句子要放下。 二、看问题,找答案。 仔细阅读文章问题,摘出关键词,进行原文定位 三、有疑惑,再验证。 阅读理解题中遇到不确定的题目时,最好回到原文中去,找到相应的句子验证一下,反复推敲,那么答案自然就明了。 四、遇回答,二注意。 遇到阅读短文回答问题这类题型要注意两方面内容:1)注意人称 2 ) 注意时态 教学重难点 掌握小六英语阅读理解解题技巧; 熟悉阅读短文判断正误(T/F形式)、阅读短文选择正确答案(ABCD形式)、阅读短文回答问题、任务型阅读等阅读理解的基本题型。 特色讲解 (1) I?am?a?student?in?China?now.My?name?is?Kelly?Smith.?I?live?with?my?parents,?two?sisters?anda brotherin?Beijing.?My?parents?teach?English?in?No.?6?Middle?School.?I?studyinthe?sameschool.Iam?happy?here,?because?I?like?my?new?school?and?the?classmates.They?are?very?kind?tome. They like?to?play?with?me?because?I?look?different?from?themIhave?blue?eyes?and?longblond?hair.Theyoften?say?Ilook?like?a?doll.?Also?I?speak?English?well,?so?lots?ofstudents? like?to?talk?with?me?toimprove?(提高)?their?English.?? (?????)?1.?How?many?people?are?there?in?Kelly`s?family? three????B.?five??C.?six ?(?????)2.?Kelly`s?parents?are?_____.? A.?doctors?B.teachers??C.?farmers? (?????)?3.?Why?does?Kelly?like?her?new?school?? A. Because?it?is?very?big.???????? B.?Because?it?is?very?beautiful? C. Because?the?classmates?are?kind?to?her. ?(?????)?4.What?color?are?Kelly`s?eyes?? A.?blonde??B.?black?C.?blue? (?????)?5.Why?do?students?like?to?talk?with?Kelly? A.?Because?Kelly?is?a?beautiful?girl.? B.?Because?Kelly`s?English?is?very?good. C.?Because?Kelly?is?very?interesting? (2) 阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断所给句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 Mrs. White has two children. John is seven. Ann is only three. John is a good brother. He is always very nice to his sister. One day in the afternoon, Mrs. White was cooking dinner in the kitchen, and the two children were playing games in the garden. Suddenly, Ann began to cry and she ran to her mum in the kitchen. Mrs. White asked, “What’s wrong with you, Ann?”“John broke(弄坏了)my toy bear, ” Ann answered sadly. “How did he do it?” mum said. Ann stopped crying, and thought for a few seconds, “I hit(打)his head with it.” ( ) 1. John isn’t a good brother to his sister. ( ) 2. Ann is four years younger than John. ( ) 3. The two children played some games, and their mother was busy at home. ( ) 4.John broke Ann’s toy bear. ( )5.“sadly” means very happy. 当堂练习 A Buying a ticket Wang Bin is a football fan. There is a football match between Chinese team and American team. He wants to watch it. He comes to the box office(售票处) and gives the clerk 10 yuan. The clerk says,“pleasegive me another 10 yuan. The price(价格) of a ticket is 20 yuan.”“Why?” says Wang Bin, I just watch Chinese team. I don’t want to watch the other team at all. Do you want me to buy a ... ...

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