
Unit 4 At the farm PA Let's spell 原创精优课件+教案+同步练习(38张)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:45次 大小:77349562Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) t S p e l l s L e ‘ 字母组合or的发音 t S p e L e ‘ PEP (三年级起点) 四年级下册 Unit 4 At the farm Let's sing bird dirt girl water hamburger nurse tiger >>Game wall tall ball arm car fork forty >>Game Lead in Hello,my name is Ford. Children’s Day(儿童节) is coming. Task: Help Ford send gifts to animals in the castle. (帮助Ford把礼物送给城堡里的小动物。) My name is Ford. I have a fork. I like to eat some pork. I am a horse I am short. I like sport. >>Introduce Ford short sport fork pork What’s the same? horse Ford fork pork What’s the pronunciation of “or”? or--/??/ 发音要领: 发音时舌后部抬起;双唇收圆,并向前突出;[??]是长元音,发音稍长些。 horse fork or在单词中间通常 发[?:] ,与al同音 >>Let's chant or born for fork horse /??/ >>Let's spell Do you want to know more about me? I have a worm. I am a worker. I works around the world. worm worker works world What’s the same? 工作 worm worker works world 工作 What’s the pronunciation of “or”? or--/??/ 发音要领: 舌身平放,舌中部伸向 硬腭,但不要接触到硬腭,舌部肌肉紧张;双唇稍稍张开,位置和发[i?]时相似; homework world map or在w后通常发 [?:],与ir,ur同音 or born doctor word work /??/ >>Let's spell word worm worse work Discuss in group: What’s the same? (小组讨论:什么一样?) w w w w Tip: or在 后面发成 其他时候一般发/?:/。 /3:/ /3:/ fork pork born port short sport /?:/ w Let's watch 大小声游戏 含有/3:/大声读/?:/小声读 fork horse born doctor sport world homework for >>传话游戏 规则:从or单词任选一个进行传递,最后一名同学说正确就胜利。 Game: Find the right tree. doctor orange homework sports horse world work fork /?:/ /3:/ Pair work homework housework word world worm New York sports work port horn born horse Follow me! Number Let's watch Follow me! worse corn world fork short 1 born for horse pork sport 2 Read and circle the boat with the same sounds of "or" in words. worse corn world fork short 1 born for horse pork sport 2 Read and circle the boat with the same sounds of "or" in words. Follow me! Game: Make up the new words Make up the new words.Read them. /?:/ or /?:/ or W l d f k h s e p t b n m ir,ur or al or在单词中通常发[?:] ,与al同音, 但在w后通常发[?:],与ir,ur同音。 >>Summary 字母组合“or,发/??/音。 舌身平放,舌中部伸向 硬腭,但不要接触到硬腭,舌部肌肉紧张;双唇稍稍张开,位置和发[i?]时相似; 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Pep四下Unit4 At the farm A let’s spell同步练习 一、看图写单词 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是( √ )否( × )相同。 1.homework for ( ) 2.house you ( ) 3.fork world ( ) 4.born horse ( ) 三、将下列单词按画线部分的发音归类(填序号)。 1. before 2. homework 3. work 4. or 5. for 6. horse 7. more 8. word 9. born fork:_____ world:_____ 参考答案 一、 1. horse 2.homework 3. fork 4. wor ... ...

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