
典范英语4b Lesson1 Camping Adventure 课件(共44张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:10次 大小:12228667Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) CLOSE READING 精读 Hello! Welcome to our 2nd CLOSE READING lesson! I am Ms. May and today we will … Review the three steps of close reading. Retell the story of Lesson 1 together. And then learn some new skills. YOU NEED … WHEN YOU SEE… Please pause the video and do a task. Click play when you have finished your task. 当你看到PAUSE这个图标时,请暂停播放,完成老师布置的任务后再继续播放。 1st Read: Get the Gist 第一次读:了解大意 2nd Read: Dig a Little Deeper 第二次读:深度阅读 3rd Read: Put it All Together 第三次读:整体分析 How to Do Close Reading? 如何做精读? What happened in the story? The family went camping on a farm. They met Mr and Mrs Jones, the farmer and his wife in the farmhouse. Mrs Jones was expecting a baby. A storm came at night. The wind blew the tent down. They had to go to the farmhouse. Mrs Jones’ baby was coming. She and Mr Jones got in the car. The wind blew a big tree down so the car couldn’t get past. A helicopter was coming to help. They made a big cross out of bags and put stones on the bags. The helicopter landed near the cross. Mrs Jones had had the baby before the doctor arrived. RETELL THE STORY 1. Who was expecting a baby? 2. Why nobody could sleep? 3. Did Mrs. Jones go to the hospital? Why or why not? 4. How did the helicopter land? 1. Mrs Jones was expecting a baby. 2. It is because a fierce storm came. 3. No, she didn’t because the storm blocked the road. 4. They made a cross out of bags. The helicopter landed near the cross. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS Write 3 questions about the story. Answer the questions. ASKING QUESTIONS We use question words to start a question. We put a question mark at the end. Verbs with “ed” Past tense Verbs with “ing” Present continuous tense laughed laughing cooked cooking called calling helped helping pointed pointing Find these verbs with “ed” in the text. Change the sentences into present continuous tense. Spelling of Verbs Verbs with “ed” Past tense Verbs with “ing” Present continuous tense laughed laughing cooked cooking called calling helped helping pointed pointing Spelling of Verbs (P.3) Mr Jones laughed. Mr Jones is laughinging. Verbs with “ed” Past tense Verbs with “ing” Present continuous tense laughed laughing cooked cooking called calling helped helping pointed pointing (P.5) Dad cooked supper. Dad is cooking supper. Spelling of Verbs Verbs with “ed” Past tense Verbs with “ing” Present continuous tense laughed laughing cooked cooking called calling helped helping pointed pointing (P.10) Mr Jones called Mum. Mr Jones is calling Mum. Spelling of Verbs Verbs with “ed” Past tense Verbs with “ing” Present continuous tense laughed laughing cooked cooking called calling helped helping pointed pointing (P.11) Mum helped her. Mum is helping her. Spelling of Verbs Verbs with “ed” Past tense Verbs with “ing” Present continuous tense laughed laughing cooked cooking called calling helped helpin ... ...

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