
上海市金山区2020-2021学年高一下学期期中质量调研英语试题 PDF版含答案(无听力音频有文字材料)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:82次 大小:327963Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2020学年第二学期期中质量调研测试 高一英语试卷 本试卷满 考 分 考生注意 姓名、准考 题纸上填写正确。 案 answers er and decide which e bes wberry T C. To help the woman. g the bus e man has graduated 分) ased d urban e diffic d earners, (23) ften get confused. S wer by(24 derstan ow ca E (26 a from the box, e working Lili c a comp d M a er lIrs d York u 交 A A band y ft. s ded up (36 第3页共 分 A.B. C and ge g treme (呕吐) A study ournal arc status. d 4 暴食 ting disord e regular ba 尊)and a ence C C C C 43.A ng 共 C. con D. casualties 4+4分 ad ed b d the same react ed st d weapons d s article bab en my er of le edule(in paragraph 5 activity is to be held C c B) g he was e ked er a yea a at biography(自传 ducted over twe d d 6.W S battled 7 gs that Steve as done? Des 共 e as written by first official b ce ven e that E .k sk ed to celeb C d ries during the 1200s, the er E burn brightly. Fi d A ce. ca dren. Today. ates d F 着考试的临近,许多同学感到很担忧,正忙于复习 64.在全球化的进程中,许多当地 在以惊人的速度消失。(rate) 责任的新闻记者应该与时俱进,而不是报道读者不在意 个新闻故事和写一本书几乎没有共同之处,因为前者 种客观的方式来呈现 English 次令你印象深刻的课外活动a ty(如:艺术 参观访 等),并说明原因。注意:文中不得出现你的名字和所在学校。 容必须包 述本次活动的内容\经过 令你印象深刻的原2020学年第二学期期中质量调研测试 高一英语 参考答案和评分标准 I. Listening Comprehension (10+12分) 1-16 CADCA ACDBD BBD BAD II. Grammar and vocabulary 语法填空(10分):17. feel 18. wrote 19. answering 20. a 21.because 22. when/if 23. they 24. describing 25. why 26. If 选词填空(10分):27-31 A B G D J 32-36 E C K I H III. Reading Comprehension 完型填空(15分):37-41DBDAB 42-46 CAABD 47-51 BDCDC 阅读理解(14+4分)52-55 CBDC 56-58 DAB 59-62 BFEC IV. Translation (15分) 63. 随着考试的临近,许多同学感到很担忧,正忙于复习。(approach) As the exam approaches/With the exam approaching, many students are concerned about it, and are busy reviewing. (3分) 64. 在全球化的进程中,许多当地语言正在以惊人的速度消失。(rate) In the process of globalization, many local languages are disappearing at an alarming rate. (3分) 65. 一个负责任的新闻记者应该与时俱进,而不是报道读者不在意的事情。(keep) A responsible journalist should keep up with the times rather than report things that the readers don’t care about. (4分) 66. 写一个新闻故事和写一本书几乎没有共同之处,因为前者要求以一种客观的方式来呈现事实。(require) Writing a news story has little in common with writing a book because the former is required to present facts in an objective way. (5分) V. Guided Writing(10分) This weekend, there was an art festival in our school, it had been hold for five years and the school intended to make it become the feature. I was so excited, because this was the first time for me to join. Early in the morning, there were so many people coming to the campus, making the campus so lively. The students dressed so well and gave the warm welcome to the guests of honor. Walking around, you could appreci ... ...

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