
(公开课原创课堂) Unit 5 My clothes Part B Read and write(26ppt+ 教案 +素材)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:78次 大小:29079412Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5 My clothes 【概 述】 本课是PEP教材五年级下册Unit5 My clothes 本课是一节阅读课。在课堂教学中,要激发学生的阅读动机。 【设计理念】 在跨越式为指导,以言语交际为中心,借助现代信息技术,努力为学生创设理想的英语学习环境,渗透任务型教学,能让学生把所学的内容联系实际,在生活中运用,提供丰富的网络资源,倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式。 【教学目标】 1.能在图片帮助下读懂Read and write 短文,完成文后练习。 2.能按照意群并以正确的语音语调朗读短文。 3.能运用This is…和These are… 在四线三格中看图写句子,区分this, these。 【教学重点和难点】 教学重点:1.能在图片帮助下读懂Read and write 短文,完成文后练习。 2.能运用This is… 和These are… 在四线三格中看图写句子,区分this, these。 教学难点:能按照意群并以正确的语音语调朗读短文。 教具准备: 1.英语资源。2. PPT课件。 【教学过程】 Step?1.热身(Warm up) 头脑大风暴:说说你所知道的衣服单词? Write the words about clothes on your card. Pair work: (设计意图:通过游戏,对话的方式复习旧知同时导入新课。) Step2.新课展示(Presentation) Lead in:English summer camp Look at the picture. Who are they? What are they wearing? _____ is wearing _____. _____ is wearing _____. _____ is wearing _____. What clothes will she pack? She will pack _____. 短文学习 9.What clothes will she pack? She will pack _____. 10.Read and circle. 11.Fill in the blanks 12.Activity 13.仿写 Oh, it’s time to pack my _____. This is my red _____. These are my blue _____. And those are my _____. Wait! Is this my _____? No, this is _____. Amy! Is this _____? Writing Look and write. .(设计意图:通过由简到难的任务设置,让学生掌握短文。) Step4.Extending : 1.选出不同类的单词 2.连线 3.选词填空。 (设计意图:通过练习。让学生做与本课相关知识点的题,巩固所学知识,丰富学生的语言知识) Step5: Summary: (设计意图:让学生固所学知识。) Step6: Homework: (设计意图:通过学生感兴趣的事物来巩固新知。) 【教学反思】本课时是一节综合课。教师在热身板块就通过开火车的方式对单词进行了复习,让学生对所学知识加强了巩固。接着,带领学生结合图片,对短文进行了简单的引导,引导学生抓住阅读关键点和技巧。教师调动学生的主观能动性,引导学生积极探索阅读内容,并有效地完成阅读任务。有助于减轻教学任务,分化教学难点。 PAGE 4(课件网) Unit 5 My clothes PEP·四年级下册 Part B Read and write 点击视频播放动画 头脑大风暴: 说说你所知道的衣服单词? Task 1 Write the words about clothes on your card. Task 2 Pair work: Whose … is this/that? It’s … Whose…are these/those? They’re… Amy’s Sarah’s Chen Jie’s Mike’s John’s Zhang Peng’s Amy’s Task 3 English summer camp Read and write Task 4 Look at the picture. 1. Who are they? 2. What are they wearing? _____ is wearing _____. a purple T-shirt Mike Mike ____ is wearing _____. Amy a pink dress What are they wearing? _____ is wearing _____. Zhangpeng a green T-shirt What are they wearing? What clothes will she pack? She will pack _____. Oh, it’s time to pack my clothes. This is my red T-shirt. These are my blue pants. And those are my shoes. Wait! Is this ... ...

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