
公开课课件Unit 6 I’m watching TV. (1a-2c) (共27张PPT+音视频+教案+说课稿)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:78次 大小:42714360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Welcome ! Period 1 1a-2c Unit 6 I am watching TV. Miss Huang Learning aims: 1. New words and phases: newspaper, read a newspaper, use, soup, make soup, wash, movie, go to the movies, talk on the phone, use the computer, listen to a CD 2. Main sentences: (1) —What are you doing? —I am doing my homework. (2)— What is she/ he doing? —She/ He is reading a newspaper. (3) —What are they doing? —They are exercising. Lead in A: What are you doing now? B: I am ... dancing running doing my homework Let's learn! A: What’s she doing now? B: She is ... talking on the phone washing the dishes using the computer A: What’s he doing now? B: He is ... listening to a CD making soup reading a newspaper A: What are they doing now? B: They are ... watching TV cleaning exercising Let's say! A: What’s he/she doing now? B: He/She is ... A: What are they doing now? B: They are ... 听CD 读报纸 用电脑 打电话 打扫卫生 洗 碗 做汤 锻炼 幸运大转盘 (说出这些短语的-ing形式) 1. watching TV __ 2. cleaning __ 3. reading a newspaper __ 4. talking on the phone __ 5. listening to a CD __ 6. using the computer __ 7. making soup ___ 8. washing the dishes __ 9. exercising ___ a g d i h e c b f 1a Match the activities with the pictures. Happy Apartments a. Jenny ___ b. John ___ c. Dave and Mary ___ What are these people doing? 1 8 5 Listen and write the numbers from 1a. 写出1a中的短语编号 Jenny John 1. watching TV 2. cleaning 3. reading a newspaper 4. talking on the phone 5. listening to a CD 6. using the computer 7. making soup 8. washing the dishes 9. exercising 1b Guessing game Please guess what people are doing?Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A(1a-2c) 说课稿 普宁市南径镇毓秀初级中学 黄晓萍 Unit 6 I’m watching TV Section A(1a-2c) 说课稿 【教材分析】 本节课所讲内容新目标七年级下册Unit6 I’m watching TV Section A(1a-2c)。本部分主要围绕“日常活动”展开,通过展现同一时间人们进行不同活动的场面,将学生带入到谈论日常活动的课题中。Section A部分呈现了一些家庭日常活动的动词短语,并通过“打电话”的情景对话输入现在进行时的语言结构,训练学生运用该结构来表达和谈论正在发生的事情。 1a-1c展示了日常活动的图片和大量的动作短语,通过创设打电话,洗碗,看电视等情景,自然引出本单元的重点语法结构———现在进行时态,然后让学生根据图片内容尝试运用新的语言结构询问和回答对方正在做的事情 2a-2c部分延续了“打电话”的情景,不仅仅谈论现在进行的活动,还过渡到两人协商并提出建议一起去进行某些活动。话题更贴近生活实际,能让学生通过听和说感悟一般现在时和现在进行时态的使用语境及其用法。2a-2b主要训练学生通过听来获取细节的技巧,然后让学生通过分角色操练2b和2c的对话,亲身体验“打电话”使其在真实的交际情景中初步运用所学语言结构 【学习目标】 熟练掌握的词汇是:newspaper, read a newspaper, movie, go to the movies, talk on the phone, use the computer, make soup, wash the dishes, listen to aCD 2.我要掌握的句型是: (1) --What are you doing? --I'm doing my homework. (2) --What's he/she doing? --He/she is reading a newspaper. (3) --What are they doing? --They are e ... ...

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