
Unit 4 At the farm Part A Let's spell 课件(共17张PPT)+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:44次 大小:16367395Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) U4 At the farm A let’s spell Can you read these words? water tiger sister dinner er /?/ Can you read these words? ur ir /?:/ nurse bird hurt girl Can you read these words? ar al /?:/ arm car card ball tall wall It’s an animal. It’s tall. It has four legs(腿) and a long tail(尾巴). Its running sound. Guess horse 马 I have a horse, horse, horse. He is short, short, short. His name is Fork, Fork, Fork. He likes sport, sport, sport. Let’s chant horse 马 What’s the name of the horse? His name is Fork, Fork, Fork. fork 叉子 horse fork or Can you find the rules? or h se Let’s spell sh t f ty f k st y Please read after the video My name is Fork, too. I am a worker. I work hard every day. I have a world map. I want to travel around the world. world world map work worker Try to find or or or or or /?:/ /?:/ 工人 工作 世界地图 世界 当or在w之后, 不发/?:/,发/?:/ He is doing his homework. homework homework 作业 homework world map /?:/ or w d w se w k Quickly Response homework world map horse fork forty story work Read, listen and number fork for born world horse work 2 3 4 5 6 1 or /?:/ or /?:/ horse Read the words and help them find their homes. fork homework for work world Look, listen and write Look, listen and write.

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