

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:4078688Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021年江北区初中毕业生学业考试模拟试题参考答案 卷二笔试部分(共六部分,满分95分) 、完形填空 1-5 CDBBC 10 ABACD 11-15 BCDAC 阅读理解 16-18CCA 19-22 BACB 23-26 DBCB 27-30 CBCD 任务型阅读 31-35 CDEAB 四、词汇运用 36 service 41. except 42. ninth 43 herself 44. Luckily 45. millions 48. better 49. wha 50. making 五、语法填空 51. Although/Though 52. lifting 53. disappointed 54than 55.gan 六、书面表达 61. Possible Cicheng is a bcautiful and cultural town in Ningbo. It lies in the north of Ningbo and has a long history with more than 2, 500 years. Cicheng is famous for its beautiful places of interest. Old Town is the most popular. We can enjoy the fantastic sights and learn about its culture while visiting Cicheng. Medicine Museum is also very attractive. We can know more about Chinese medicine there. Besides, the food in Cicheng is quite delicious, like Cicheng rice cakes and noodles. One more thing, in Cicheng, local people have some traditional customs. People always fly sky lanterns and make clay pieces to celebrate the special days Generally speaking, Cicheng is a nice place which is well worth visiting

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