
Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 单元测试题(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:68次 大小:1562513Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ? 单元测试 一、基础知识(共15分) 根据句意及首字母填入一个适当的单词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。(5分) I don’t want to cook tonight . Let’s eat out in the r_____nearby . On weekends , I like to stay at home to e_____ the music . If you can swim a _____the city . I’ll be waiting for you on the other side . You don’t need to pay for them because they’re _____ today . When my father goes out on business (出差), he o_____ stays in a hotel . 单项选择。 (10分) ( ) 6. -Ann , here is _____big tree . What can you see behind _____ tree ? -Oh, _____ elephant is standing behind it . a ; the ; an B. a; a; the C. the; a; an ( ) 7. Walk _____ the house , turn left and you’ll see the big bridge _____ the river . pass ; above B. past ; over C. past ; on ( ) 8. I suddenly hear someone _____ “Help ! Help !” shouting B. to shout C. shouts ( ) 9. -Could I smoke here ? -Sorry , I’m afraid you ____ . Look at the sign “No smoking”! couldn’t B. needn’t C. can’t ( ) 10. My family went camping by the lake happily . ____good time we had yesterday ! What B. What a C. How ( ) 11. -I think history is too hard for me . I can’t learn it well , I am afraid . -_____Don’t say no before you really try . No problem B. That’s all right C. Come on ! ( ) 12. Don’t read _____ the sun and it’s bad _____ your eyes . under ; of B. in ; for C. in ; to ( ) 13. -Are there _____ shoes in your store ? -Yes, we also have _____ coats and trousers . any ; some B. any ; any C. some ; any ( ) 14. _____ is really hard _____ them to climb such a high mountain . This ; to B. It; to C. It ; for ( ) 15._____ more than the island , he asks his teacher many questions . Know B. To know C. Knowing 二、交际运用(共15分) 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话(选项中有一项是多余的)(5分) A: Excuse me . 16. _____ B: Yes, there is . There are many books in it . It’s on Green Street . A: 17. _____ B: No, it isn’t . You can walk there. A: 18. _____ B: OK. Go straight and pass a school . Turn left and you can see it on your left . A: 19. _____ B: Yes, there is . You can eat nice food there. Go straight and pass Fifth Avenue , Sixth Avenue . And it’s down the Seventh Avenue on the right . A: 20. _____ B:Yes, you can . It needs ten minutes . A: Thank you for helping me . B: You are welcome . Can you tell me the way to the library ?Is there a restaurant ?Can I take a bus ?Is there a big library near here ?Is it far from here ?That sounds good . 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确(每空词数不限)。(10分) A: Hi , Monica . 21. _____ ? B: I’m writing to my pen pal (笔友) A: 22. _____ ? B: It’s a girl . A: 23. _____ ? B: She’s in Australia . A: Wow! I love Australia . It’s a great country with many interesting animals . B: Yes, I also like Australia . Look at these pictures . All of these are of the scenery (风景)of Australia . A: Do you have 24. _____ your pen pal ? B: Yes, she gives me a photo of her ... ...

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