
Unit 10 I'd like some noodles. Section A (2d-3c) 课件38张PPT+教案+课后练习+音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:70次 大小:28849087Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 七年级英语(下)第10单元第2课时 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. Section A 2d—3c 课后练习 一、单项选择 (? )1. Anna, please _____ the meat and then cook it. A. cut up ? ? ? ? B. blow out?????????? C. cut down??? D. eat out (? )2. —Do you have _____ beef? —Sorry, we don’t. But we have _____ mutton. A. any; some B. any; any ????????? C. some; any D. some; some (? )3. — _____? — Beef noodles. A. How much are the beef noodles????????????? B. What kind of noodles would you like? ?? C. What size would you like???????? D. How about beef noodles (? )4. — Would you like some dumplings? — _____. A. Yes, please ? ? ? ? ? ?B. It’s interesting C. You’re welcome? ??? D. No problem (? )5. — May I have your order? — _____. A. No, you can’t ? B. Have a good time C. You, too???? ????????????? D. I’d like some rice, please 二、阅读理解 Carmen is a twelve?year?old girl. She has a sister and her name is Kara. Kara is ten years old. Tonight, Carmen and Kara want to make dinner for the family. They want to make pizza because all their family like it. They need to buy the ingredients (原料) for the pizza. So, their dad drives them to the supermarket. ?????? When they get to the supermarket, Carmen and Kara look for the ingredients. Soon they get all of them and go to pay for them. They are 30 dollars. They put the ingredients in the car. Their dad drives them home. When they get home, Carmen and Kara take the ingredients out of the car. They take them to the kitchen. In the kitchen, they clean the vegetables. Then, they cut the vegetables. Next, they take out the crust (面包皮). They put the ingredients on top of the crust. Finally they put the pizza in the oven (烤箱). They take the pizza out of the oven in thirty minutes. “The pizza smells good!” says their mother. “We think so!” say Carmen and Kara. ?????? The family are happy, and they eat the pizza for dinner. 根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。 (? )6. Carmen and Kara are the same age. (? )7. Carmen and Kara like eating pizza, but their parents don’t. (? )8. Carmen and Kara go to the supermarket by bus. (? )9. Carmen and Kara pay 30 dollars for the ingredients for the pizza. (? )10. Carmen and Kara cook the pizza for half an hour in the oven. 三、 情景交际 A: I am a little hungry (饥饿的). What about you, Eric? B: I’m hungry, too. A: (11)_____ B: Yes, there is one across the street. A: (12)_____ B: Sounds great. (In the restaurant) C: (13)_____ A: Yes. We’d like some dumplings. C: (14)_____ A: I’d like beef and onion dumplings. What about you? B: I’d like mutton dumplings. C: (15)_____ B: Large. Two large bowls, please. C: Would you like something to drink? B: Two cups of green tea. C: OK. A. What size bowl would you like?B. What kind of dumplings would you like?C. May I take your order?D. Let’s go and eat some dumplings there.E. Is there a restaurant in the neighborhood? 参考答案 1-5 AABAD 6-10 FFFTT 11-15 EDCBA 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYP ... ...

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