

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:18次 大小:5043200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 四年级下英语学业水平阶段评估 题号 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 I II III IV V I II III IV V 得分 听 力听力部分 (共五道大题,计50分) Ⅰ听音选图(10分) ( )1. A. B. ( )2. A. B. ( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B. ( )5. A. B. II.听句子,从中选出你听到的单词(10分) ( ) 1. A. rain B. raid ( ) 2. A. train B. subway ( ) 3. A. grocery B. cinema ( ) 4. A. subway B. bus ( ) 5. A. America B. London Ⅲ对话理解, 听每小题的对话或描述,选择问题的答案(10分) ( )1. A. There is a bank. B. There isn’t a bank. ( )2. A. The bookshop is next to the hospital. B. The bookshop is across from the hospital. ( )3. A. She wants to go to Harbin. B. She wants to go to Sanya. ( )4 .A. Amy wants to go to Beijing. B. Amy wants to go to Hangzhou. ( )5. A. The cinema is near the restaurant. B. The cinema is far from the restaurant. I V 情景反应,听每小题的句子,选择答语或下句。(10分) ( )1.A. Yes, there is. B. No, it isn’t. ( )2.A. You can eat seafood there. B. Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads ( )3.A. You can go there by bus. B. I 'm in front of the post office. ( )4.A. I want to ski. B. I want to swim in the sea. ( )5.A. You can go to the drugstore. B. You can go to the coffee shop . V.听音判断,句子与原文是否相符。用 √和 × 表示(10分) ( ) 1. The supermarket is across from the cinema. ( ) 2. City Museum is on Hill Street.. ( ) 3. Copenhagen is a great city for walking. ( ) 4. You can try the space travel. ( ) 5. They are very happy. 笔 试 部 分 (共五道大题,计50分) I. 在横线上填入所缺字母,组成单词,把句子补充 完整。(6分) 1. This is a s_____ c_____. 2.It’s b_____ a bookshop and a the grocery. II. 根据所给句子选择图片,将其标号写在括号内。 (10分) ( )1. I can visit the Mogao Caves. ( )2. We can row a boat on West Lake. ( )3. Can you take photos for me? ( )4. Lucky gets some money from the bank. ( )5. I am right behind you. A B C D E Ⅲ.选词填空, 将正确选项的序号写在题前( )里。 (10分) A . on B. in C. takes D. Where E. gets ( ) 1. Country Mouse _____back home. ( ) 2. The bus station is _____ the right. ( ) 3. Is there a bank _____the neighbourhood ? ( ) 4. She _____ Joy to school. ( ) 5. _____do you want to go this summer vacation? Ⅳ.口语应用。阅读下面对话,从方框内恰当的句子完成此对话,并把选项写在横线上。(共10分) ( ) Joy: Hello, Andy.?_ 1 ? Andy: I’ll go to the Green Park. ( ) Joy: _ 2 _ ? ( ) Andy: _ 3 . Joy: How can you get there? ( ) Andy: 4 . 5 . Joy: Sure. Let’s go. V.阅读理解,用T代表正确,用F代表错误 (10分) John usually goes to school by bus. He leaves his house at 7:00 and gets to his school at 7:20. His school is on a hill. From Monday to Friday, John usually has 4 classes every day. He likes English very much. He wants to be an English teacher. So he wants to learn English in the US. ( )1. John is a girl. ( )2. John often goes to school by bus. ( )3. John gets up at 7:00. ( )4. From Monday to Friday, John has four classes every day. ( )5. John wants to learn English in the UK. VI. ... ...

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